Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 1     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 13     GRASSES : 2     HERBS : 78     ORCHIDS : 1     SHRUBS : 43     TREES : 39

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Ceratophyllum demersum L. Ceratophyllaceae Aquatic The whole plant has been traditionally used in the treatment of wounds, fever, burning sensation, hemorrhoids or piles, intrinsic hemorrhages, hyperdipsia, epistaxis and hematemesis. Coontail is prescribed for cardiac infections, giddiness, haemothermia, Leucorrhoea, morbid thirst, rheumatism spermaturia, venereal diseases. Leaf juice is used to stop vomiting, as cooling agent and to cure skin disorders.
2 Ventilago denticulata Willd. Rahamnaceae Climbers Stem bark—powdered and mixed with sesame oil, externally applied to skin diseases and sprains. Root bark—used for atonic dyspepsia, mild fever and debility. Sap—used for the treatment of deafness.
3 Pueraria tuberosa (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae Climbers In chest pain two pills made from powdered tuber mixed with sugar are taken twice a day for 4-5 days. To cure weakness boiled roots are eaten twice a day for three weeks. The root is emetic, galactagogue and tonic. It is used to treat renal complaints and as a demulcent and refrigerant in the treatment of fevers. Applied externally, it is peeled and bruised to make a cataplasm, which is used to reduce swellings. It is crushed and rubbed on the body in the treatment of fevers and rheumatism.
4 Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt Cucurbitaceae Climbers Various preparations of roots, stems and leaves of Coccinia grandis have been mentioned in indigenous systems of medicine as being efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases, bronchial catarrh, bronchitis and diabetes. In traditional medicine, fruits have been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis, and jaundice. The fruit possesses mast cell-stabilizing, antianaphylactic, and antihistaminic potential. In Bangladesh, the roots are used to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain. A paste made of leaves is applied to the skin to treat scabies. analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective, anti-malarial, antidyslipidemic, anti-cancer, antitussive, mutagenic
5 Ctenolepis garcinii (Burm. f.) Naud. Cucurbitaceae Climbers decoction of roots is given in colic, fever, indigestion, anorexia and rheumatism, paste of leaves is applied to boils and swelling, fruits are given in gonorrhea, fruits pulp is applied on foot sole to cure heat in the body. Hepatoprotective activity, anti-cancer activity, anti-bacterial activity and anti-fungal activity, anti-inflammatory activity (Vijayakrishnan, 2013)
6 Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd. Cucurbitaceae Climbers Applied in bleeding piles and urinary complaints. The root paste is applied over the body as a sedative in fever.
7 Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Asclepiadaceae Climbers Traditionally it has been used as an elmintic, laxative, anti-pyretic and expectorant, besides treatment of infantile Diarrhea, malarial intermittent fevers, toothaches and colds. Studies have shown Hepatoprotective, anti-fertility, anti-diabetic, analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of substances in its aerial parts. Used for uterine and menstrual troubles and to facilitate parturition. Juice of the leaves is considered useful in asthmatic affections and infantile Diarrhea; along with lime and ginger applied to rheumatic swellings. Pulp of fresh leaves are used as a stimulating poultice in carbuncle with good effect. Root bark is given as an anthelmintic; mixed with cow’s milk as a purgative in rheumatic cases (Yusuf et al. 2009).
8 Ipomoea quamoclit L. Convolvulaceae Climbers Anti-cancer (leaf): Ho et al., 2015; The whole plant is crushed and applied externally on carbuncles. The juice is used along with other ingredients in case of blood dysentery, piles and body weakness. It is used as folk medicine around the world for various illnesses, such as hemorrhoids, ulcers, breast pain, snake bites, diabetes, fever, piles and as an antibiotic (Rajendran et al., 2007; Sajem et al., 2008).
9 Merremia turpethum (L.) Rendle Convolvulaceae Climbers It is actually not a purgative but a mild laxative. It is useful in fevers, edema, ascites, anorexia, constipation, hepatosplenomegaly, hemorrhoids, cervical lymphadenitis, fistulas, constipation, chronic gout, fever, bronchitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, tumors, obesity, jaundice, herpes, induce lacrimation, and other skin disorders.
10 Momordica balsamina sensu W. & A. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The fruits, seeds and leaves are anthelmintic. The leaves are used as a treatment against fever and excessive uterine bleeding, and to treat syphilis, rheumatism, hepatitis and skin disorders. The plant is emetic, purgative and vermifuge. anti-HIV, anti-plasmodial, shigellocidal, anti-Diarrheal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, analgesic and Hepatoprotective properties.
11 Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Cucurbitaceae Climbers According to Ayurveda, the plant pacifies vitiated pitta, constipation, skin diseases, burning sensation, diabetes, anorexia, flatulence, constipation, worm infestation, fever and general weakness.
12 Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. MIMOSOIDEAE Climbers Shikakai is a commonly used herb that has many remedial qualities. It is popularly referred as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils. Shikakai is used to control dandruff, promoting hair growth and strengthening hair roots. Its leaves are used in malarial fever, decoction of the pods are used to relieve biliousness and acts as a purgative. An ointment, prepared from the ground pods, is good for skin diseases.
13 Getonia floribunda Roxb. Combretaceae Climbers The leaves are bitter, astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, depurative, diaphoretic and febrifuge. They are useful in intestinal worms, colic, leprosy, malarial fever, dysentery, ulcers and vomiting. The fruits are useful in jaundice, ulcers, pruritus and skin diseases.
14 Maerua oblongifolia (Forssk.) A. Rich. Capparaceae Climbers used to cure various diseases such as fever, stomach ache, skin infections, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and abdominal colic.
15 Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd. Poaceae / Gramineae Grasses anti-oxidant, anti-inflamatory, anti-cancer and anti-pyretic properties (Khumbongmayum et al., 2005; Hansakul et al., 2009; Jananie et al., 2011) and is used for treating small pox, wounds and ulcers (Heuze et al., 2013). In Manipur, juice of fresh plants is prescribed in fevers. Decoction of the plant is given in small pox.
16 Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash Poaceae / Gramineae Grasses Blood purifier, cardio protective, epistaxis, diaphoresis, strengthens stomach, indigestion, acidity, anorexia, Diarrhea, fever, asthma, cough, brain tonic, skin disorders, tuberculosis,
17 Tinospora cordifolia auct. non (DC). Miers: Hook f. & Thoms. Menispermaceae Herbs Fevers, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Urinary problems, Skin diseases and Chronic Diarrhea, Dysentery, Heart diseases, Leprosy, Helmenthiasis and Rheumatoid arthritis, Anti-cancer (Gach et al., 2015); Leaves crushed with warm water, two drops poured in ear to cure the infection. 10 gm green leaves of wheat and leaves of Tinospora crushed with water; a cup of filtrate is used daily to cure cancer.
18 Cleome gynandra L. Cleomaceae / Capparaceae Herbs anti-inflammatory, pain, swelling, fever, cough, asthma, skin and urinary diseases.
19 Polygala arvensis Willd. Polygalaceae Herbs Asthma, Chronic bronchitis and Catarrhal affections, anti-septic properties; used for fever and dizziness (Yusuf et al. 2009).
20 Portulaca quadrifida L. Portulacaceae Herbs Diuretic, to treat Rheumatism and gynaecological diseases, as a sedative, analgesic and cardiotonic, to treat fever, disorders of the urinary tract, worm diseases, as a tonic and choleretic, to treat dysentery, and to apply externally to ulcers, eczema and dermatitis
21 Oxalis corniculata L. Oxalidaceae Herbs Antibiotic, good appetizer, removes kapha, vata, and piles; astringent cures dysentery and Diarrheas, skin diseases and quarten fevers, Leaves are anti-inflammatory, Refrigerant and antiscorbutic
22 Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs The plant is used for swelling and pain in leg during pregnancy, night fever, dropsy, anaemia, hemiplegia, burns, wounds, small-pox, venereal sores, syphilis, gonorrhea, spermatorrhoea, gravel, cholera, dysentery, snake bite and rinderpest. It is also used for Diarrhea in cattle.
23 Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Fresh leaves—used internally as galactagogue and for Diarrhea; applied externally to wounds and abscesses. Root—diuretic. Also used for cough, asthma. Dysentery, antitoxic, hepatitis, red eye with in?ammation, lymph infection, anthelmintic action against Ascaris lumbricoides. curing cough, bronchitis and fever
24 Pseudarthria viscida (L.)Wight & Arn. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Plant is used in tridoshas, cough, asthma, fever, dysentery, cardiac ailments, rheumatoid arthritis and aid in fast healing of fractured bone. The roots are astringent, thermogenic, digestive, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, aphrodisiac, nervine, cardio and rejuvenating tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility. anti-diabetic, anti Diarrheal, anti cancer, cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, inflammation, cardiopathy, fever, hemorrhoids, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility
25 Vigna trilobata (L.)Verdc. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs oligospermia, gout, gastritis, neuropathy, fever, worm infestation etc. It improves body weight
26 Ludwigia perennis L. Onagraceae Herbs The plant is boiled in oil and applied externally to reduce fever(Datta and Banerjee, 1979).
27 Cucumis melo L. Cucurbitaceae Herbs diuretic, chronic or acute eczema, fruit is cooling, fattening, tonic, laxative, aphrodisiac and diuretic; cures biliousness, insanity, ascites and allays fatigue. The seeds are lachrymatory, diuretic, cooling, tonic and nutritive; used in ophthalmia, liver and kidney troubles, bronchitis, burning of the throat, chronic fever, painful discharges and supression of urine. They are also beneficial to the enlargement of prostate gland.
28 Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug.DC. Molluginaceae Herbs Treating abdominal pain; jaundice; malaria; wound healing; joint pains, inflammations, Diarrhea, intestinal parasites, fever, boils, skin disorders, immunomodulating effects, chronic and recurrent infections, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis; The plant is said to promote digestion and salivation. It is used as a treatment for bowel complaints and syphilitic affections.
29 Borreria articularis (L.f.) F.N.Williams Rubiaceae Herbs Plant is used in ophthalmia, inflammation of eye and gums, blindness, earache, fever, spleen complaints, pimples, sores and dysentery. A decoction of the root is used as an alterative. Seeds are used in Diarrhea and dysentery in Khagrachari.
30 Borreria stricta G. Mey. Rubiaceae Herbs The plant is considered to be emetic and stomachic. The leaves are diuretic and purgative. Although used as a purgative, they are also used in the treatment of Diarrhea as well as conditions such as schistosomiasis, kidney problems, fever and blennorrhagia. The leaves are said to be applied topically in the treatment of skin problems such as leprosy, furuncles, ulcers, itches and gonorrheal sores.
31 Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Rubiaceae Herbs The leaves are pounded, soaked in warm water and the liquid drunk to treat stomach disorders. They are used externally as a poultice to treat sores and sore eyes. The entire plant is used in decoction as an anthelmintic, antirheumatic, depurative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, pectoral and stomachic. In India, it is a common ingredient in mixtures used internally to treat remittent fevers, gastric irritation, nervous depression and as a tonic. It is also used to treat jaundice and other liver conditions. The juice of the plant is applied to the hands and feet to cool them when the patient has a fever. The roots are reported to have vermifuge properties. They are often used as a tincture.
32 Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs jaundice, malaria, vomiting, cephalgias, headache, abdominal pain, convulsions, stomachache, constipation, eruptive fever, snake bite, epilepsy, blennorrhoea, hepato-biliary disorders, malaria, microbial infection and viral infections
33 Ageratum conyzoides L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs pneumonia, Burns, Fever, Rheumatism, Headache, Colic, Colds, Diarrhea, Rheumatism, Spasms. Whole plant: applied externally in ague. Roots: juice. Leaves: applied to wounds. Anti-cancer (Ogunwande et al., 2010); tumorogenic;
34 Centratherum anthelminticum (L.) O. Ketz. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is widely used as folk medicine for diabetes in Rayalaseema, India and a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. In other places, C anthelminticum has been traditionally applied as anthelmintic, stomachic, digestive, diuretic, tonic, alterative, anti-phlegmatic, anti-asthmatic, anti-phlegmatic treatment, as well as a therapeutic agent for cough, Diarrhea, helmint, skin diseases, ulcers, leucoderma and fevers. anti-diabetic (seed)
35 Elephantopus scaber L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Astringent, Cardiac tonic, diuretic, eczema, rheumatism, fever and bladder stones.
36 Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Fever, Sore throat, Diarrhea, Snake bite,
37 Sonchus oleraceus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is used medicinally to treat Diarrhea, menstrual problems, fever, inflammation and warts. As abortifacient as a cathartic, a sedative, cancer treatment, a vermisides aid for toothache. Plant is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indegestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax. enteritis, Diarrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis, appendicitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, icterus, throat swelling, haematemesis and uraemia
38 Xanthium strumarium L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, cytotoxic, anti-angiogenesis and anti-viral; used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat nasal sinusitis, headache, urticaria and arthritis (Committee, 2010); The whole plant, specially root and fruit, is used as medicine. According to Ayurveda, X. strumarium is cooling, laxative, fattening, anthelmintic, alexiteric, tonic, digestive, anti-pyretic, and improves appetite, voice, complexion, and memory. It cures leucoderma, biliousness, poisonous bites of insects, epilepsy, salivation and fever.
39 Cryptolepis buchanani Roemer & Schultes Asclepiadaceae Herbs Anti-dermatophyte activity; Root is demulcent, alterative, tonic and is useful in loss of appetite, fever and skin diseases. It is considered as a blood purifier and extensively used in skin diseases and leprosy. It is prescribed to children for rickets; treatment of bone fracture; anti-bacterial; analgesic; anti-inflammatory; chondroprotective activity; muscle pain and joint pain;
40 Trichodesma indicum (L.) R. Br. Boraginaceae Herbs Depurative, Diuretic, Dysentery, Emollient, Fever, Pectoral, Sudorific
41 Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burn. fil.) R. Br. Boraginaceae Herbs The roots are analgesic. They are chewed or pounded and then soaked in cold water. The resultant infusion is used as a remedy for tuberculosis, stomach ache, Diarrhea, poisoning, and snake bite. The powdered root is applied externally to wounds to relieve the pain. The green leaves and roots are chewed and used as a poultice for both fresh and infected wounds; boils; and snake bite. The plant is diuretic. A decoction is used as a treatment against fevers and dysentery. The ash of burnt plants is an ingredient of prescriptions used for treating coughs and scabies. The leaves are used to prevent stillbirth. The seed oil is used for it's emollient properties.
42 Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. Convolvulaceae Herbs Psychotropic, Nootropic; Alopecia; Asthma; Bronchitis; Fever; Fumitory; Gonorrhea; Hair-Growth; Tonic; Vermifuge; alterative; anthelminthic; Dysentery; antiDiarrheal; debility; loss of memory; anti-ulcer;
43 Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br. Convolvulaceae Herbs An oil extract used externally against headache, rheumatism, leprosy, epilepsy, ulcers and fever. In veterinary medicine, the oil extracts used to cure wounds of cattle. anti-arthritic, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-diabetic, anti-pyretic, antisecretory, anti-oxidant,
44 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Cuscutaceae Herbs headache, labour pain, bone fracture, fever, rheumatism, impotence, premature ejaculation, sperm leakage, frequent urination, ringing in the ears, lower back pain, sore knees, leucorrhea, dry eyes, blurred vision, and tired eyes.
45 Solanum surattense Burm. f. Solanaceae Herbs Panchang (whole herb including roots) and berries, have anthelmintic property, useful in bronchitis, asthma, fever relieving, thirst and given in urinary concretions. The leaves have good application for piles. The fruit is laxative. Fumigations with the vapour of the burning seeds of this plant are found useful for the cure of toothache. Plant used as diuretic, in dropsy, leaves applied locally to relieve pain in rheumatism.
46 Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell. Scrophulariaceae Herbs Epilepsy, Asthma, ulcer, tumors, ascites, enlarged spleen, inflammations, leprosy, anemia and gastroenteritis, anti-oxidant. Famed in Ayurvedic medicine, brahmi has anti-oxidant properties. It has been reported to reduce oxidation of fats in the blood stream, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. It has been used for centuries to help benefit epilepsy, memory capacity, increase concentration, and reduce stress-induced anxiety. It is listed as a nootropic, a drug that enhances cognitive ability. According to Ayurveda, it is bitter, pungent, heating, emetic, laxative and useful in bad ulcers, tumours, ascites, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, inflammations, leprosy, anaemia, biliousness etc. According to Unani system of medicine, it is bitter, aphrodisiac, good in scabies, leucoderma, syphilis etc. It is a promising blood purifier and useful in Diarrhea and fevers.
47 Kickxia ramosissima (L.) Dumort. Scrophulariaceae Herbs It is used for a number of ailments, for instance as diuretic, against kidney stones, fever and rheumatism and during management of snake and scorpion bites; diabetic and inflammatory conditions
48 Limnophila indica (L.) Druce Scrophulariaceae Herbs The plant is anti-septic, febrifuge. An infusion of the leaves is used in the treatment of dysentery, Diarrhea and dyspepsia. The juice of the plant, combined with cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) and other aromatic plants, is used in the treatment of dysentery. The juice of the plant is rubbed on the body as a remedy for strong fevers. A liniment is made from the plant, combined with coconut oil, and is used in elephantiasi.
49 Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae Herbs The whole plant is used for ailments like Diarrhea, stomach-ache, kidney stones, kidney problems, and fever. anti-diabetic, digestive problems, pulmonary complaints, fevers, skin disorders, antibilious, antibiotic, anti-dote, aphrodisiac, bitter, blood purifier, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, hypoglycaemic, stomachic, cough, bronchitis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, insect bites, cytotoxic activity against cancer
50 Indoneesiella echioides (L.) Sreemadh Acanthaceae Herbs goitre, liver diseases, fertility problems,bacterial, malarial & fungal disorders; fevers; influenza, malaria, dyspepsia and respiratory diseases; The leaf juice is mixed and boiled with coconut oils used to control falling and greying of hair.
51 Justicia prostrata Gamble Acanthaceae Herbs treatment of fever, pain, inflammation, diabetes, Diarrhea and liver diseases. They also possess anti-tumoral, anti-viral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities
52 Justicia simplex D. Don Acanthaceae Herbs The plant is diuretic, stomachic, expectorant, anthelmintic, diaphoretic and aperient; removes indigestion, biliousness, fever and burning of the body; strengthens the lungs, the teeth, stops vomiting; good in diseases of the spleen. Along with black pepper given in ague. Leaf juice is dropped into eyes in case of ophthalmia. rheumatism, inflammation and bronchitis. anti-cancer;
53 Lepidagathis cristata Willd. Acanthaceae Herbs Skin diseases, Tonic, fever, inflammations, malaria, skin itch, burns and wounds.
54 Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees. Acanthaceae Herbs anti-inflammatory; Leaf juice is considered cooling and aperient; prescribed for children suffering from small-pox in doses of a tablespoonful or two, twice daily. Bruised leaves applied to contusions to relieve pain and swelling. Roots are given in fever. Spray of leaf decoction kills bedbugs by the Marma.
55 Rungia repens (L.) Nees Acanthaceae Herbs The herb is dried and pulverized for use in the treatment of cough and fever; it is also credited with vermifugal and diuretic properties. Fresh, bruised leaves are mixed with castor oil and applied to scalp to cure Tinea capitis, a scaly fungoid infection, usually occurring amongst children.
56 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene Verbenaceae Herbs The plant is anodyne, anti-bacterial, astringent, carminative, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, febrifuge, parasiticide and refrigerant. It is said to be useful in the treatment of blenorrhoea, lithiasis, ischuria, constipation and pain in the knees. It is used in the treatment of hookworm. An infusion is drunk as a post-partum tonic. The juice of the plant is cooling and is used to relieve minor gastric troubles, fevers, coughs and colds. The aroma of the inhaled plant is breathed in to treat coughs and colds. A poultice of the fresh plant is applied to ripen boils. A paste or poultice is also applied to swollen cervical glands, to erysipelas, burns, and to chronic indolent ulcers.
57 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Verbenaceae Herbs used traditionally by the elderly as a cure for allergies and respiratory conditions, cough, cold, fever, constipation, digestive complications, and dysentery and promotes menstruation; also known to demonstrate antacid, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antihelminthic, diuretic, laxative, lactagogue, purgative, sedative, spasmogenic, vasodilator, vulnerary, and vermifuge properties
58 Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs treatment for snake bite; The juice extracted from leaves is used to cure skin problems. According to Ayurveda, the plant is mild stimulant and diaphoretic and used in fevers and coughs. The flowers mixed in honey is used as domestic remedy for cough and colds.
59 Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T. Aiton Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs Leaves is used for sores of eyes and nostrils. A poultice for scabies, itches, headaches, vertigo, and colic. Also used as a vermifuge with children. fever, jaundice, and for scorpion and snake bites.
60 Nepeta hindostana (Roth) Haines Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs The plant is known for uses such as cardiac, brain, and gastric tonic. It is a blood purifier and relieves high blood pressure. It has anti-asthmatic, anti-catarrhal, and sedative properties. It is used to treat fever, body ache, diarrheoa, dysentery, as a carminative and antispasmodic agent, as a gargle for sore throat and bad breath, also to treat gonorrhea. The plant also has hypocholesterolaemic and central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects.
61 Plectranthus rugosus Wall. ex Benth. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs The plant is used in traditional medical practices in toothache and is claimed to be effective as an anti-septic, a hypoglycaemic, an anti-Diarrheal and a bronchodilator. An extract of leaves is also used to treat hypertension, fevers, rheumatism and toothache.
62 Achyranthes aspera L. Amaranthaceae Herbs to treat fistula, and as oral medicine for obesity, tumors; used in treatment of cough, bronchitis and rheumatism, malarial fever, dysentery, asthma, hypertension and diabetes, anti-cancer, emmenagogue, purgative, diuretic, anti-malarial, antihyperlipidemic, estrogenic, antileprotic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral agents in traditional systems of medicine. It is also used as antiasthmatic antitussive and in the treatment of snake bite, hydrophobia, urinary calculi, rabies, influenza, otorrhoea, piles, bronchitis, Diarrhea, renal dropsies, gonorrhea, and abdominal pain.
63 Polygonum glabrum Willd. Polygonaceae Herbs leaves of this plant are used for treatment of colic pain, fever; Root decoction given internally to neutralize the Krait poison. Root powder given for urinary stones. Plant powder with honey given for white discharge in women (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
64 Acalypha indica L. Euphorbiaceae Herbs Leaves: emetic, ophthalmic, purgative and vermifuge, asthma, pneumonia, malarial fever, dysentery, diabetes
65 Phyllanthus fraternus G.L.Webster Euphorbiaceae Herbs The leaves are strongly diuretic. A decoction is drunk to facilitate childbirth, and against oedema, costal pain and fever. In Sudan the leaves are given against dysentery. The young leaves are given to children as a treatment for coughs and hiccups. A plant extract is reported to be strongly diuretic and is taken to allay spasms, such as griping in dysentery. The plant is also used as a laxative and to treat gonorrhea, dropsy, Diarrhea and malaria. The plant extract is applied externally to treat skin infections. The plant sap is applied to treat bruises, sores and ulcers, and mixed with oil against ophthalmia and conjunctivitis. The fruits are used in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, sores, scabies, ringworm and other skin problems.
66 Crotalaria verrucosa L. FABOIDEAE Herbs The roots are used as a treatment against fever and stomach pains. The plant (part not specified) is blood purifier, emmenagogue. It is used to purify the blood and to cure skin diseases.
67 Phyllanthus urinaria L. Phyllanthaceae Herbs It is used against colic, and as an effective remedy to eliminate gall - and kidney stones, urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation and for other kidney and liver problems in general such as acute - and chronic hepatitis B, which explains the origin of its species name urinaria. commonly used as a diuretic and purgative to treat a wide variety of uro-genital disorders, Diarrhea and diabetes. It is also used as a bitter tonic and to treat fevers, including malaria. In Asia, extracts are widely used against hepatitis B infections. A plant decoction is drunk and plant ash in water is applied as ear drops to treat earache. Externally, the crushed plant parts, or an infusion, are applied to treat ulcers, sores and tumours. The sap of leafy twigs, or a twig decoction, is drunk to treat pain in the side. A paste of fresh crushed leaves and kaolin in water is drunk and applied to the body to treat convulsions, colic, constipation and urethral discharges. The bitter leaves are eaten to treat hiccup and cough.
68 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Herbs A decoction of the aerial parts of the plant are drunk as a treatment for cough. An infusion of the whole plant is taken as a remedy for fever and dysentery. A decoction is used as a wash for relieving headache. The sap of the plant is used as ear drops to treat otitis and headache[310. The plant is pulped and applied as a poultice on sores, burns and fractures, where it acts as a haemostatic and cicatrizant. The ash of the burnt plant, mixed with water, is rubbed on the body as a remedy for scabies and other skin ailments. The roots are used as an abortifacient. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The root is used as a plaster to treat caterpillar itch, around the neck for cough and on the belly for intestinal worms or shingles. The leaves, mashed with water, are a remedy for cholera. The stem and leaves are a mild laxative. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat. A decoction of the leaves is applied to snake bites. The juice from macerated leaves is applied to cuts and bruises as an anti-septic. Macerated leaves are applied to wounds to stop bleeding. The juice of the stem is used as an abortifacient. A decoction is taken as a diuretic and to increase menstrual discharge. The flowers as an expectorant.
69 Rubia cordifolia L. RUBIACEAE Herbs The roots are alterative, anodyne, antiphlogistic, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypotensive, styptic, tonic and vulnerary. They have an anti-bacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Pneumococci etc. The roots are used internally in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, internal and external haemorrhage, bronchitis, rheumatism, stones in the kidney, bladder and gall, dysentery etc. The stems are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a bitter taste and a cooling potency. Febrifuge, they are used in the treatment of blood disorders and spreading fever of kidneys and intestines. The leaves are anti-septic, astringent and vulnerary. They are used as a poison anti-dote and to treat mouth sores and intestinal problems such as Diarrhea. A wound dressing is made by rubbing the leaves between the hand palms into a ball, which is then applied to a wound or cut to stop bleeding. The leaves are burnt and the ashes are applied externally to treat mastitis and itchy skin.
70 Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker Liliaceae Herbs Sexual Problems, Tonic; Safed musali is used as an aphrodisiac and galactogogue as well as for its nutritive, health promoting properties and immunoenhancing, Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidants activities. The tubers are also used in fever, Leucorrhoea and also as an aphrodisiac.
71 Commelina paludosa Blume Commelinaceae Herbs The plant is refrigerant and laxative; useful in strangury and costiveness. The root is useful in vertigo, fevers and bilious affections. The leaf juice is taken by Chakmas for the treatment of dysentery.
72 Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperaceae Herbs Stomach problems, treating fevers, digestive system disorders, dysmenorrhea and other maladies. anti-microbial, anti-malarial, anti-oxidant, and anti-diabetic;
73 Sphaeranthus africanus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs In Ayurveda, the plant is believed to pacify vitiated vata, pitta epilepsy, migraine, jaundice, fever, cough, hemorrhoids, helminthiasis, skin diseases and as nervine tonic.
74 Cyperus iria L. Cyperaceae Herbs The plant is astringent, febrifuge, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It is used to treat amenorrhoea. The whole plant is used to treat rheumatism and to regulate menstruation. The rhizomes are used as a diuretic. A decoction of the ground tubers is used for treating fevers.
75 Cleome papillosa Steud. Cleomaceae / Capparaceae Herbs Plant decoction given in fever (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
76 Biophytum reinwardtii (Zucc.) Klotzsch Oxalidaceae Herbs cough, wounds, fever,
77 Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. Cyperaceae Herbs The leaves, stems and rhizomes are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, decongestant, diuretic, febrifuge and sudorific. A decoction of the whole plant is used as a treatment against a variety of complaints including malaria; colds with fever; whooping cough; bronchitis; swelling pain in the throat. The leaves are taken internally in the treatment of Diarrhea. The pounded rhizome is used as a poultice for sores. A poultice of the fresh leaves is applied to snake bites, furuncles, sprains. A decoction may be used as an external wash in the treatment of pruritis. Ten fresh tubers are made into a paste and eaten with rice; once daily for three days as a treatment for Diarrhea.
78 Senecio nudicaulis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Plant extract and leaves are used in colic, fever and on some skin diseases. Plant decoction given in amoebic dysentery (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
79 Exacum bicolor Roxb. Gentianaceae Herbs The plant for the treatment of fever, malaria, and blood purification.
80 Achyranthes coynei Amaranthaceae Herbs Leaves are used in treatment of various disorders by folk healers. Antimicrobial and Antioxidant properties; fever, cough, piles etc. Root powder given internally to kill intestinal worms. Root and stem powder with milk given in general debility. Plant decoction given for easy delivery. (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002)
81 Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn. Euphorbiaceae Herbs Used in the problems of stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen. It is bitter, astringent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and anti-septic. The whole plant is used in gonorrhea, menorrhagia and other genital affections. It is useful in gastropathy, Diarrhea, dysentery, intermittent fevers, ophthalmopathy, scabies, ulcers and wounds. Pharmacological activities including anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antiplasmodial, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective nephroprotective and diurectic properties.
82 Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern. Brassicaceae / Cruciferae Herbs purported diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antifever, and anticough properties and to help with blood circulation and rheumatoid arthritis.
83 Corchorus tridens L. Tiliaceae Herbs The decoction of the root and leaves are used for fever, to treat genital ulcers, to prevent Anemia. The extract significantly inhibited the castor oil-induced Diarrhea. treatment for fever
84 Leucas martinicensis (Jacq.) R.Br. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs An infusion of the leaves is used to treat gastro-intestinal troubles. In general, the crushed leaves of Leucas species are applied to wounds, sores, especially those of the eyes and nose, chronic skin diseases, such as psoriasis and scabies. The crushed leaves are also used to treat mild fevers, colds, rheumatism and snake bites, and as a decoction against roundworm, mainly for children
85 Tylophora fasciculata Thwaites Asclepiadaceae Herbs The roots and leaves are emetic and purgative. A decoction of the root is said to be efficacious in extremely virulent types of fever. The leaves are pounded and used as an application to unhealthy ulcers and wounds to induce healthy granulation
86 Swertia minor (Griseb.) Knabl. Gentianaceae Herbs Leaf decoction is given in fever.
87 Aeginetia indica L. Orobanchaceae Herbs An infusion of the plant taken internally for diabetes. Decoction of plant used for treatment of anasarca due to acute nephritis. Used to treat chronic liver diseases, cough, and arthritis. Root juice taken to treat fever. Considered immunostimulating, anti-cancer, tonic, and anti-inflammatory. Studies have suggest antitumor and immune-stimulatory properties.
88 Vigna radiata var. sublobata FABOIDEAE Herbs The seeds are said to be a traditional source of cures for paralysis, rheumatism, coughs, fevers and liver ailments.
89 Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Papaveraceae Herbs The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, depurative, emetic, emmenagogue, possibly hallucinogenic, sedative and vulnerary. It has been used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice or whooping cough. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma. The latex is slighly corrosive, diuretc. It has been taken internally in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The fresh yellow, milky, acrid sap contains protein-dissolving substances and has been used topically in the treatment of warts, cold sores, cutaneous affections, skin diseases, itches etc, and has been rubbed onto the body for the relief of rheumatic pain. The root is alterative and has been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The flowers are expectorant and narcotic. The seed is antidote, cathartic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant and laxative. An infusion, in small quantities, is used as a sedative for children, but caution is advised since the oil in the seed is strongly purgative. They are useful in the treatment of coughs and catarrhal affections of the throat and pulmonary mucous membrane, and in pertussis and asthma. Though they do not appear to possess any antispasmodic property, they have a distinct effect on asthma, apparently from their combined actions as nauseant, emetic, expectorant and demulcent. As their use is often accompanied by some degree of vomiting and nausea, as a laxative medicine they are more suited to some pulmonary affections than to other diseases. The seed has also been used as an antidote to snake poisoning.
90 Baccharoides anthelmintica (L.) Moench Asteraceae Herbs According to Ayurveda, seeds are hot, acrid, astringent, anthelmintic; cure ulcers, Vata and Kapha; use in skin disease, leucoderma, and fever. According to Unani system of medicine, the seeds are anthelmintic, purgative; used for asthma, kidney troubles, hiccough, inflammatory swellings, to remove blood from the liver, sores, and itching of the eyes. The seeds are anthelmintic, stomachic, tonic, diuretic and antiperiodic. The powdered seeds are applied externally in paralysis of the legs at Mundas of Chota Nagpur. The juice of the leaf is given to cure phlegmatic discharges of the nostrils. In Ceylon, the plant is used for fever convulsions.
91 Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars FABOIDEAE Herbs A traditional Chinese medicine, it is used for improving digestion and diuresis. The whole plant is used in the treatment of swelling and pain in the leg during pregnancy; night fevers; renal stones; eye diseases; dropsy; anaemia; hemiplegia; burns and wound;, small-pox; syphilis; gonorrhea; spermatorrhoea; gravel; cholera; dysentery; snake-bite and rinderpest. A decoction of the whole plant, combined with honey, is taken orally as tonic after a woman has given birth. Combined with black pepper (Piper nigrrum), a decoction of the plant is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The juice of the plant is used as a treatment for diarrhoea and dysentery. A paste of the leaves is administered orally to cure swellings in the body. The fresh leaf paste is applied topically to get relief from the pain of rheumatism. A paste of the fresh stem and leaves is applied to sores and to areas affected by venereal diseases. The powdered root is taken orally in order to improve the digestion, treat stomachache and reduce abdominal gas. An extract of the crushed roots is used as ear drops in the treatment of deafness.
92 Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs used in a traditional herbal remedy for various diseases such as jaundice, intermittent fever, and splenomegaly
93 Kyllinga nemoralis (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Dandy ex Hutch. & Dalziel Cyperaceae Herbs The plant leaves are traditionally used for the relief of malarial chills, pruritus of the skin, and thirst due to fever and diabetes. In India, plant leaves are used as anti-venom. The rhizomes of the plant are fragrant, sweet, refrigerant, antidiarrhoeal, diuretic, stomachic, and expectorant. The paste of rhizomes mixed with milk is used internally for worm infection. It is also used in fever, hepatopathy, splenopathy, diabetes and tumours. Antimalarial, Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activities
94 Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Rubiaceae Herbs The plant is alterative, analgesic, antibacterial, antidote, antiinflammatory, antitumor, diuretic, febrifuge and sedative. A decoction of the plant is used in the treatment of biliousness, impure blood, jaundice, hepatitis, fever, malignant tumours and gonorrhoua. It is used to treat any kind of internal inlammation such as inflammation such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, and appendicitis. A poultice of plant material is applied to external bruises or blood congestions, boils, and abscesses. Topical uses for this species are common and could be related to the presence of antiinflammatory iridoids.
95 Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don Orchidaceae Orchid The roots are alexiteric and anti-pyretic; useful in dyspepsia, bronchitis, inflammations, piles and hiccup. Externally the root is used in rheumatism and allied disorders and diseases of the nervous system. It is also employed as a remedy for secondary syphilis and scorpion stings. The juice of the leaves is used topically in otitis and a paste of them finds use as a febrifuge. The roots possess significant anti-inflammatory activity and exhibit potent analgesic effects combined with a relatively low toxicity. In the Yunani system, the root is used as a tonic for the liver and brain; effective against bronchitis, piles, lumbago, toothache, and boils of the scalp; it also is said to lessen inflammation and heal fractures. The root is said to be fragrant, bitter and useful in rheumatism and allied disorders, in which it is prescribed in a variety of forms. It is also used in the composition of several medicated oils for external application in rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system. In Chota Nagpur, the leaves are pounded into a paste and then applied to the body during fever. A compound decoction of this root is administered in cases of Hemiplegia as some Indian physicians consider it useful in rheumatism and all nervous diseases. The leaves are pounded and the paste is applied to the body to bring down fever; the juice is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Otitis media and other inflammatory conditions. The roots are used in Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, and also in fever; they are reported to possess anti-bacterial and anti-tubercular properties. The herb is also used for Sciatica. The leaves are used by the Santhal girls for making anklets.
96 Clematis triloba A.St.-Hil. Ranunculaceae Shrubs Aromatic oil. Skin problems; The juice of the leaves, combined with that of the leaves of Holarrhena antidysenterica, is dropped into the eye for the relief of pain in staphyloma; about 2 drops being used. Vaidya Rugnatbji of Junagad says the whole plant is a purgative. It is said to be used as a remedy in leprosy, blood diseases and fever by Sanskrit authors.
97 Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels Menispermaceae Shrubs An aqueous extract of the leaves has shown diuretic and laxative properties. An infusion of the leaves is used to treat stomach-ache. A decoction is drunk to remedy female sterility. The leaf sap is used to treat nervous illnesses. The cooked leaves are eaten to treat night blindness. A jelly prepared by soaking leaves in cold water is taken to check spermatogenesis. Applied externally, the leaves are used to treat skin infections and itchy skin including eczema, rheumatism and gonorrhea. The roots are alterative, diuretic, laxative and tonic. A decoction is applied against fever, rheumatism and severe weight loss. The plants are reported to have anti-oxidant, cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, and hypotensive. It is used traditionally as alterative, laxative, demulcent, prurigo, eczema, dyspepsia tonic, diuretic, antiperiodic in fever, in malaria, joint pains and in skin diseases.
98 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Shrubs Snake bite, Urinal diseases, Anti-cancer (leaf): Kaladhar et al., 2014; The juice of the leaves is demulcent and diuretic. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. A paste made of the leaves or seeds is applied to wounds, boils and ulcers. The seeds are laxative and are useful in cases of haemorrhoids and cough. An infusion of the root is used as a treatment for leprosy. It is taken internally as a cooling remedy for coughs and fevers. A decoction of the flowers is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. anti-inflammatory; Anti-proliferative activity; Anti-Arthritic activity; Analgesic; Sedative property; Antioxidant; Antimicrobial activity; Hepatoprotective activity; Anti diabetic; Anti cancer; Anti Diarrheal; Anti-convulsant; Larvicidal; Wound healing; Anti asthmatic; Diuretic; Immunomodulatory; Anti-estrogenic activity;
99 Azanza lampas (Cav.) Alef. Malvaceae Shrubs The roots and fruits are used in the treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis. The root juice is used in the treatment of a range of ailments and also as a health tonic. A root paste is used in the treatment of jaundice. The stem ofthe plan ist used traditionally in the treatment of inflammation, hyperacidity, epistaxis, bronchitis, cough, dysentery, fever, sun stroke, carbincles, and worms. Aqueous extracts of the plant, tested on tapeworms and roundworms, have shown vermicidal activity. They have been found effective as an anthelmintic. A study showed in vitro anti-oxidant activity, with a relationship between extract concentration and percentage of inhibition of free radicals, metal chelating, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition. Studies have shown that the plant exhibits a statistically significant Hepatoprotective effect, thus supporting its traditional use to treat liver problems. A study of extracts of the plant have shown both anti-oxidant activity and anti-lipoxygenase activity. Lipoxygenases are critical in the biosynthesis of leukotrines which play an important role in the pathophysiology of inflammatory disease. A study has established the lipid lowering properties of an aqueous extract of the roots. Total cholesterol, low-density lipids and triglycerides were significantly reduced, while the high density lipid level was significantly increased.
100 Sida acuta Burm. f. Malvaceae Shrubs A decoction of the whole plant is used as a treatment for fevers. The juice of the plant is used to treat indigestion. The plant is ground and mixed with soft grease and sugar to make a poultice that is applied to soften abscesses and release pus. The leaves are diuretic. An infusion is used to treat dysentery. The juice of the leaves is mixed with vinegar to make an anti-inflammatory and digestive remedy. A decoction of the leaves is used to bathe wounds. The leaves are applied to the head as a poultice to remedy headache. A poultice made from the boiled leaves is applied to ulcers and other sores. The root is febrifuge. The juice of the root is used to treat fevers. The root is chewed to relieve a toothache. The roots contain asparagine. The leaf contains mucilage and saponins. The plant contains the alkaloid cryptolepine, which shows hypotensive and anti-microbial action.
101 Sida orientalis Cab. Malvaceae Shrubs Leaves are demulcent and refrigerant and are useful in gonorrhea, gleet and scalding urine. Decoction of the root-bark and root is used in mild cases of debility and fever. Leaves are bruised in water, strained through cloth and administered in the form of a draught. Root is used in decoction. The stems are rich in mucilage and are employed internally as an emollient, diuretic, and as a febrifuge with pepper. The roots are bitter, cooling, and anthelmintic.
102 Grewia abutilifolia W. Vent ex Juss. Tiliaceae Shrubs It is used as a remedy for acne and a root decoction as a remedy for fever.
103 Grewia hirsuta Vahl Tiliaceae Shrubs Vata-pitta shamak, used for heart disease, cough, wounds and dyspnoea (root); in Diarrhea and dysentery (drupes); heart disease, fever (plant). leaves are useful in nose and eye diseases, anthelmintic. The root is astringent to the bowel; useful in cholera, hydrophobia, kidney pain, piles, anthelmintic. Leaves and fruits are purgative, expectorants, carminative, abortifaciant, galactagogue; useful in splenic enlargement, eye troubles, piles, rheumatism pain in joints and in breasts.
104 Maytenus emarginata (Willd.) Ding Hou Celastraceae Shrubs Dental problems, Antibiotic, Warms, used  for fever, asthama, rheumatism and gastrointestinal disorders worldwide. HIV?Protease, Carcinoma  and  leukemia, Ulcers, MDR
105 Crotalaria retusa L. Fabaceae Shrubs The roots are used against coughing up blood. The plant is used as a treatment for complaints such as cough, dyspepsia, fever, cardiac disorders, stomatitis, Diarrhea, scabies and impetigo. An infusion of the plant is used to bathe children in order to prevent skin infections and also to treat thrush. The leaves, mixed with those of Crotalaria quinquefolia, act internally as well as externally against fever, scabies, lung diseases and impetigo. A decoction of the flowers and leaves is used to soothe a cold. The seeds are eaten raw to act as an analgesic to deaden the pain of a scorpion sting. The powdered seeds, mixed with milk, are eaten in order to increase body strength; they are also used to treat skin diseases
106 Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. Fabaceae Shrubs A decoction of the leaves is used against stones in the gall bladder, kidneys or bladder. The leaves are applied as a poultice to the head as a treatment for headache. The roots are considered to be alterative, astringent, bitter tonic, diuretic, expectorant and febrifuge. A decoction of the root is employed to treat kidney problems, oedema, swellings, chronic fever, coughs, biliousness, Diarrhea and dysentery; or as a sedative for children. The roots are applied to the gums as a treatment for toothache. A decoction is used externally to clean wounds and ulcers. The whole plant is considered to be anthelmintic. anti-oxidant, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, nootropic, anti-leshmanial, immunomodulatory activity;
107 Indigofera tinctoria L. Fabaceae Shrubs Eye problems; A leaf infusion (sometimes combined with honey or milk) is used to treat a range of disorders including epilepsy and nervous disorders; asthma and bronchitis; fever; complaints of the stomach, liver, kidney and spleen; and as a rabies prophylactic. Applied externally, the leaves are made into an ointment for treating skin diseases, wounds, sores, ulcers and haemorrhoids. A tincture of the seed is used in India to kill lice. A root preparation is applied to relieve toothache, syphilis, gonorrhea and kidney stones. A watery root paste is applied topically in India to treat worm-infested wounds. A root infusion is used there as an anti-dote against snake bites and to treat insect and scorpion stings.
108 Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li Fabaceae Shrubs A decoction or infusion of the leaves and the flowers is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. A decoction of the leaves is given as a bath after childbirth and is also used as a treatment for rheumatish. The leaves are used both externally and internally as a vermifuge for children. One seed a month is chewed by women as a contraceptive. The root is used in the treatment of indigestion, fevers epilepsy and hysteria, to induce sleep and to relieve pain. If a sufficient dose is taken, the roots can induce a heavy sleep even if the person is experiencing great pain. There are no ill effects. The fresh roots are crushed in water in a mortar and pestle - the liquid is taken twice daily for 7 days as a treatment for Diarrhea and dysentery. A paste made from the root is applied topically to treat swellings
109 Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight Fabaceae Shrubs Roots are used as contraceptive, hepato-protective, anti-helminthic & carminative. It is also used for the cure of tuberculous glands in dysuria, in retention of urine, leucoderma & as an anti-dote in scorpion stings, for the relief of fever, ulcer, diabetes etc. The leaves and flowers are astringent. They are used in he treatment of inflammations, bacterial infections and tumours. They are prepared as poultices for external use or taken as a decoction for internal ailments. The seed, mixed with flour, is used to treat ringworm and other skin diseases and worms. Plant decoction used as antacid and also given in prolonged fever. Seed powder given to induce hunger (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
110 Cassia occidentalis L. Caesalpiniaceae / Fabaceae / Leguminosae Shrubs Skin diseases; The whole plant is diuretic, febrifuge, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, dropsy, diabetes, fevers, biliousness, rheumatism, ringworm and eczema. The plant is boiled and gargled for treating throat troubles. Applied externally, it is pounded and mixed with wood-ash and rubbed on areas of leishmaniasis and eczema. The root is cholagogue, emetic and purgative. An infusion is used in the treatment of bilious fever, ordinary fever, stomach-ache, and to ease menstruation. A tincture of the root is rubbed onto rheumatic areas.
111 Mimosa hamata Willd. Fabaceae Shrubs Skin diseases; A paste of leaf powder are applied to burn, over glandular swelling and also used in dressing for sinus, sores and piles. Used for urinary complaints and used as a tonic against general weakness. Treatment of diverse diseases such as fever, Diarrhea, coagulant, dysentery, jaundice, wounds, piles, tonic in urinary complaints, blood-purifier and paste of leaves is applied over glandular swellings and paste of roots with linum oil and gugul is unguent (Gupta et al., 2010). Seed powder and leaf juice of M. hamata boiled in buffalo milk is given as a tonic in general weakness and also sexual debility in males.
112 Dregea volubilis (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f. Apocynaceae Shrubs The leaves are much employed as an application to boils and abscesses. The roots and tender stalks are considered emetic and expectorant. The young roots are cut and the exuding juice is inserted into the nose to cause sneezing. used to treat rheumatic pain, cough, fever and severe cold. Leaf paste is taken along with pepper to treat dyspepsia; bark paste mixed with hot milk is used internally for treating urinary infections.
113 Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight Apocynaceae Shrubs Lactative; The plant is galactogogue, cooling, nutritive, aphrodisiac, stimulant, diuretic, and eyetonic. Useful to cure eye-diseases, seminal debility, general weakness, cough, dyspnoea, fever, asthma, constipation, sore throat, and gonorrhea. Extracts of roots and leaves of the plant act as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. It promotes health and vigour, improves voice, alleviates the three dosas vata, pitta and kapha. It also cures eye diseases, hematemesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnoea, fever and burning sensation.
114 Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae Shrubs Tonic, The paste of leaves kept in tooth to remove the germs in teeth. Used for urinary diseases. Used in lactation problem. It is used for venereal diseases, herpes, skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, epilepsy, insanity, chronic nervous diseases, abdominal distention, intestinal gas, debility, impotence and turbid urine. The root is a valuable alterative, blood purifier, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of appetite loss, dyspepsia, fever, skin diseases, syphilis, Leucorrhoea, genitourinary diseases and chronic coughs. A paste of the roots is applied externally to swellings and rheumatic joints.
115 Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) O. Ktze. ex Merr. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Shrubs The leaves are febrifuge and are used for treating postpartum fever and to treat paralysis and pain in the joints. A decoction of the leaves is used to bathe sores and swellings. The entire plant is given to relieve stomach-ache. A decoction of the root is drunk as a treatment for spermatorrhoea
116 Datura inoxia Mill. Solanaceae Shrubs All parts of the plant are anodyne, antispasmodic, hallucinogenic, hypnotic and narcotic. It has been used in the past as a pain killer and also in the treatment of insanity, fevers with catarrh, Diarrhea and skin diseases.
117 Datura metel L. Solanaceae Shrubs Galfugi, Antibiotic; Thorn apple is a bitter narcotic plant that relieves pain and encourages healing. It has a long history of use as a herbal medicine, being especially well-known as a treatment for chest complaints, including asthma, cough, tuberculosis and bronchitis. The whole plant, but especially the leaves and seed, is abortifacient, anaesthetic, anodyne, antispasmodic, antitussive, bronchodilator, hallucinogenic, hypnotic and mydriatic. It has a wide range of applications, including in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, insanity, heart diseases, fever with catarrh, Diarrhea, skin diseases etc. Anaesthetic, antiDiarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-septic, anodyne, antispasmodic, antitussive, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, hydriatic, narcotic.
118 Barleria prattensis Santapau Acanthaceae Shrubs curing fever, energy tonic and increasing lactation level.
119 Barleria prionitis L. Acanthaceae Shrubs utilized for treatment of toothache, catarrhal affections, whooping cough, inflammations, glandular swellings, urinary infection, jaundice, fever, gastrointestinal disorders and as diuretic and tonic.
120 Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees Acanthaceae Shrubs The herb is used for its anti-bacterial property (tuberculostatic), snake poison, in bone fracture, sprain, fever, cold, cough and for ear and eye treatments. Anti-cancer (Ogunwande et al., 2010); It is used on fever, dyspepsia, swellings and bronchitis, juice of the leaves is applied on glandular swelling.
121 Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon Verbenaceae Shrubs The plant is commonly used in traditional medicine as a poultice for skin diseases, yaws, headache, leprosy and persistent fever. It is an ingredient of an embrocation for stiff joints. The dried leaves, roots or stems enter in various prescriptions for haemorrhoids. A decoction of leaves and/or stem is used as a carminative, and to relieve fevers and chronic headache. The pounded leaves are applied externally in various prescriptions for cephalalgia, ophthalmia skin infections, rheumatism and painful joints. A decoction of the stem is used as an anti-malarial and to relieve abdominal pain. A decoction of the fruit is given to relieve colic. Ripe and unripe fruits are chewed with the leaves of Piper betle for treating coughs. The wood is considered diuretic. The root is considered antiemetic. It is used in medicine for treating fevers, rheumatism and dyspepsia. The flowers are consumed during labour. The seeds are used to some extent for treating oedema. It is traditionally valued and reported for treating pain, inflammation, rheumatism, respiratory disorders, fever and malarial fever.
122 Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. Verbenaceae Shrubs Cold; Extract of the leaves is given orally in fever and bowel troubles. Fresh leaf-juice is introduced in the rectum for removal of ascarids. Leaves and flowers are used to cure scorpion sting.
123 Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae Shrubs Lantana essential oil is sometimes used for the treatment of skin itches, as an anti-septic for wounds, and externally for leprosy and scabies. It is applied as a poultice on rheumatic joints. The root is sweet and bitter tasting, refrigerant, antifebrile. A decoction is used to treat influenza, cough, mumps, incessant high fever, malaria, cervical lymph node tuberculosis, asthma, toothache, headache, inflammation, gonorrhea and Leucorrhoea. The flowers are sweet tasting, mildly cooling and haemostatic. A decoction of the dried flowers is used in the treatment of haemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis. The leaves are aromatic with a minty taste, they have a cooling nature, are antiphlogistic, anti-dermatosic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, pectoral, stimulant, tonic and vulnerary. An infusion of the leaves and flowering tops is used in the treatment of fevers, constipation, tuberculosis, catarrh and bronchitis.
124 Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The whole plant is used, but especially the leaves and the roots. It is a powerful astringent, carminative, febrifuge and tonic. The plant is used in the treatment of rheumatism, colds, fevers, abdominal pain, skin sores, and snake bites. A decoction of the leaves is used as an antirheumatic and stomachic, and also to treat uterine infections, kidney gravel, swellings and hypertension. The juice of the leaves is given to children for colic, dyspepsia and fever caused by teething. Inhaling the vapour of the hot infusion induces copious perspiration. The essential oil distilled from the leaves is applied externally as an embrocation in rheumatic arthritis.
125 Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The plant material is generally used to cure the diseases like epilepsy,fever, headache, and urinary problems. It possess Hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory attributes.
126 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs A decoction of the roots is valued as an appetizer. This plant is also used for affections of the uterus. A decoction of the root is said to be emmenagogic, and a stimulant if employed in rheumatism. The flowering plant is anti-fungal, carminative, febrifuge, stomachic. It is used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions including flatulence and other stomach problems, fevers associated with colds. The juice of leaves, mixed with lime juice, is drunk for stomach aches. Applied externally, it is used as a wash or poultice on skin disorders such as dermatitis and eczema, boils, headaches etc. A poultice of the pounded fresh material is applied as a poultice on snake bites. The juice of leaves is applied daily between the toes as a treatment for athlete's foot. The leaf paste is applied on sores and fungal skin infections.
127 Pogostemon benghalensis (Burm.f.) Kuntze Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs Whole part and shoot are used in wound. eaves are also useful in the treatment of kidney stone. The oil is used in aromatherapy to treat skin complaints. Leaves are used in fever. Used for several treatment as stomach disorders like Diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, etc. and as a recipe for women as post parturition treatment, weakness and lactation.
128 Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae Shrubs The juice of the bark is used in the treatment of malarial fevers, and is also useful in reducing swellings caused by inflammation. This juice is also applied externally to treat burns, scabies, eczema and ringworm. The fresh bark is cut into small pieces and chewed or kept in the mouth for 1 - 2 hours in order to treat pyorrhoea. A paste of the bark is applied to the gums to treat wounds and swellings of the gums. The thin twigs are popularly used in Nepal as toothbrushes to treat toothache. They are considered especially good for treating bleeding and swollen gums. A leaf infusion is used as a diuretic, for bathing, to treat coughs, and as an enema in treating convulsions and fits. The leaves are also used to treat jaundice, fevers, rheumatic pains, guinea worm sores and poor development of the foetus in pregnant women. In Ghana the ashes from the burnt leaves are applied by rectal injection for treating haemorrhoids. The juice of the leaves, or the latex, is applied directly to wounds and cuts as a styptic and astringent to clean teeth, gums, and to treat sores on the tongue and in the mouth. It is also considered useful for treating decayed teeth.
129 Asparagus racemosus Willd. Asparagaceae Shrubs Lactative, Tonic, used in the form of juice, paste, decoction and powder to treat intrinsic haemorrhage, Diarrhea, piles, hoarseness of voice, cough, arthritis, poisoning, diseases of female genital tract, erysipelas, fever, as aphrodisiac and as rejuvinative. It is also useful in treatment of epilepsy, kidney disorders, chronic fevers, excessive heat, stomach ulcers and liver cancer, increases milk secretion in nursing mothers and regulates sexual behaviors.
130 Solanum torvum Sw. Solanaceae Shrubs The juice of the plant is used to treat fevers, coughs, asthma, chest ailments, sore throats, rheumatism, dropsy, stomach aches and gonorrhea. The juice of the flowers, with salt added, is used as eye drops. The leaves are an effective anti-microbial and diuretic. An infusion is used as a treatment for thrush. The leaves are dried and ground to powder, this is used as a medicine for diabetic patients. The leaves are applied topically to treat cuts, wounds and skin diseases. A syrup prepared from the leaves and flowers is used as a treatment for colds. An infusion of the leaves and fruits is used as a treatment for bush yaws and sores. The fruit is diuretic. It is used in the treatment of malaria, stomach aches and problems with the spleen. A decoction is given to children as a treatment for coughs. The young fruits are used to improve the eyesight. A paste of the mature fruit is applied as a poultice to the forehead to treat headaches. The fruit juice is applied locally to ease the irritation of ant bites. A decoction of the root is used to treat venereal disease. The roots are boiled, lime juice is added, and the whole is drunk as a treatment for malaria. The juice of the roots is used to treat vomiting caused by weakness. The pounded root is inserted into the cavity of a decayed tooth to relieve toothache.
131 Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The plant is used against swellings, fever, gastro-intestinal troubles and as an abortifacient. A decoction of the whole plant is employed to clean out the uterus; treat Diarrhea and heavy cramps; as a diuretic; and as a tonic to strengthen the back. The leaves and flowers are cholagogue. An infusion is used as an antidysenteric; decocted with salt or sugar in a preparation to dissolve renal calculi. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of thrush. In a plaster for wounds. Cooked in an infusion which is drunk to treat itches and skin diseases. The infusion of leaves is traditionally being used to cure the stomach pain of the children and also to cure cough and cold.
132 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.)Sw. CAESALPINIOIDEAE Shrubs A decoction or infusion of the roots, bark, leaves or flowers is used as a purgative and emmenagogue. According to the dosage it may be used as a mouthwash for teeth or gums, a remedy for colds and fevers, or even as a strong abortifacient. The root is astringent, bitter, emmenagogue and, in larger doses, is used as an abortifacient. It is used in the treatment of Diarrhea. The leaves are emmenagogue, febrifuge and tonic. At larger doses they can be abortifacient. An infusion is used to relieve constipation, as a treatment for kidney stones, and to accelerate childbirth. An infusion of the leaves and flowers is used as a diuretic. The leaves, flowers and seeds are used in the treatment of stomach, urinary bladder and kidney problems.
133 Carissa carandas APOCYNACEAE Shrubs The fruits are astringent, antiscorbutic and also used as a remedy for biliousness. A leaf decoction is used against fever, Diarrhea, and earache. The roots serve as a stomachic, vermifuge and remedy for itches.
134 Ocimum gratissimum L. LAMIACEAE Shrubs An aromatic, stimulant, antispasmodic, anti-septic herb that repels insects, expels internal parasites and lowers fevers. The leaves and stems are used internally in the treatment of colds, especially chest colds; fevers, headaches, impotence, flatulence, Diarrhea, dysentery, post-partum problems, and worms in children. Applied externally, the leaves are used to treat rheumatism and lumbago. An essential oil obtained from the leaf has shown marked anti-bacterial activity.
135 Pavetta indica L. RUBIACEAE Shrubs A decoction of the leaves is drunk during the first days after childbirth as a protective medicine. It is also taken when the birth is delayed and as a treatment for fever. The leaves are used for poulticing boils. A cooled decoction of the leaves is applied as a wash to ulcers of the nose and topically to treat haemorrhoidal pains. The root is considered aperient, diuretic, purgative and tonic. It is prescribed in the treatment of intestinal obstructions, constipation, jaundice, headache, urinary diseases and dropsy. The crushed root bark, combined with rice water and ginger, is taken as a diuretic and for the treatment of dropsy. The root, root bark or stem bark can alsl be used as a treatment for intestinal obstructions. The roots are used for poulticing stubborn itch. A poultice of the stem bark is applied topically for soothing haemorrhoids. An infusion of the thinly cut wood is taken as a treatment for rheumatism. A study of the methanol extract of the plant has shown anti-inflammatory activity comparable to the standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin. This extract has also shown anti-pyretic activity. Flavonoids in the plant have demonstrated effective diuretic activity.
136 Sida cordifolia L. MALVACEAE Shrubs The plant is antipruritic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge and tonic. It is considered to be useful in the treatment of respiratory system related troubles. The whole plant is boiled, and the water used as an herbal bath, or for washing the skin to relieve itching and the irritation of chickenpox and measles spots. The juiced plant is used as a treatment for rheumatism and spermatorrhea. The leaves are analgesic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, nervine, stimulant and tonic. A decoction is drunk as a treatment for fevers. The leaves are pounded in water and the juice used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and gonorrhea. They are cooked and eaten as a treatment for bleeding piles. The fresh leaves are bruised and then applied as a poultice on boils in order to promote suppuration. They are used in the treatment of conjuctivitis. The stems are considered demulcent, emollient, febrifuge and diuretic. The bark is considered to be cooling. It is useful in the treatment of problems related to the blood, throat and urinary system; and is also used to treat conditions such as piles, phthisis, insanity etc. The root bark powder, combined with milk and sugar, is used in the treatment of frequent micturition and leukorrhea. The roots are considered to be astringent, cooling, stomachic and tonic. An infusion is used in the treatment of nervous and urinary diseases; and also for disorders of the blood and bile, asthma and as a heart tonic. Combined with ginger (Zingiber officinale), the root is used in the treatment of intermittent fevers with shivering fits. The juice of the roots is applied topically as a healing application for wounds.he seeds are considered aphrodisiac. They are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, cystitis, colds and tenesmus.
137 Vitex trifolia L. LAMIACEAE Shrubs The roots are diaphoretic and diuretic. A decoction is used in the treatment of fevers and liver diseases. It is also taken after childbirth. The leaves are anodyne, anti-septic, diuretic, emmenagogue and febrifuge. They are ground with garlic, pepper, turmeric, and boiled rice and then made into pills which are used in the treatment of consumption. he fresh juice is drunk as a remedy for headache. Fomentations and baths of the leaves are used in the treatment of beriberi. The leaves are used as a dry fomentation or poultice for treating sprains, contusions, rheumatism and swollen testicles. The fruit is said to be nervine, cephalic, and emmenagogue. It is prescribed in the form of powder, an electuary, and a decoction. A decoction of the dried fruits is given in the treatment of common cold, headache, watery eyes and mastitis. The inner bark is chewed and swallowed as a remedy for dysentery.
138 Olax scandens Olacaceae Shrubs In Ayurvedic medicine, the bark is used in anaemia and as a supporting drug in diabetes; also in the treatment of fever.
139 Annona squamosa Linn Annonaceae Tree The plant is traditionally used for the treatment of epilepsy, dysentery, cardiac problem, worm infection, constipation,hemorrhage, anti-bacterial infection, dysuria, fever, and ulcer. It also has antifertility, antitumor and abortifacient properties. Breast Cancer, Seed : Malignant Sores(cancer); The green fruits, seeds and leaves have effective vermicidal properties. The young shoots, combined with peppermint, are used in the West Indies to relieve colds and chills.
140 Casearia graveolens Dalzell Salicaceae Tree used for Diarrhea, burns, wounds, rashes chest colds and fever.
141 Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Flacourtiaceae Tree An important herb in Ayurveda, where infusions of the bark, leaves and root are used medicinally to treat conditions such as fever, Diarrhea and inflammations. The leaf is carminative, astringent and used as a tonic, an expectorant and for asthma, pain relief, gynaecological complaints and as an anthelmintic, and treatment for hydrocele, pneumonia and intestinal worms. The leaves are used as an anti-dote to snake bites. The root and ash have been used as a remedy for kidney complaints. The roots are sweet, refrigerant, depurative, alexipharmic and diuretic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta and vata aphthae, poisonous bites, skin diseases, pruritus, erysipelas, strangury, nephropathy and psychopathy. The leaves are useful in pruritus and scabies. The fruits are sweet, appetizer, digestiveand diuretic, and are useful in strangury jaundice, gastropathy and splenomegaly.
142 Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Simaroubaceae Tree Grahi – absorbent, useful in Diarrhea, IBS Deepana – improves digestion strength Indicated in – Krumi – worm infestation Kushta – skin diseases Atisara – Diarrhea, dysentery; Ayurvedic medicines with Aralu as ingredient: Dadimavaleha – an effective Ayurvedic medicine for Diarrhea. Brihat Gangadhara Churna – Herbal powder, used for Diarrhea, low digestion strength etc. Bark used in India as a powerful fever-cure and tonic. Leaves and bark in good repute as a tonic after labor, and the juice of the leaves and fresh bark employed by the Konkans as a remedy for after-pains.
143 Chloroxylon swietenia (Roxb.) DC. Rutaceae Tree The crushed leaves are applied externally to treat wounds, snake bites and rheumatism. A paste of the leaves and roots is taken internally to treat headache and is applied to the forehead as a balm for the same purpose. The root bark in milk is drunk to treat impotence. A bark extract is considered astringent and taken to treat fever, chest pain and in a mixture with other plants to treat asthma. In friction it is used to treat bruises and painful joints.
144 Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rahamnaceae Tree Fruit aids weight gain, improves muscular strength and increases stamina. They are anodyne, anti-cancer, anti-dote, expectorant, pectoral, refrigerant, sedative, stomachic, styptic and tonic. They are considered to purify the blood and aid digestion, and are used internally in the treatment of a range of conditions including chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, Diarrhea, pharyngitis, bronchitis, anaemia, irritability and hysteria. A mucilage made from the fruit is used to make bronchial pastilles. It is hypnotic, narcotic, sedative, stomachic and tonic, and is used internally in the treatment of palpitations, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, night sweats and excessive perspiration. The root is used in the treatment of dyspepsia. A decoction of the root has been used in the treatment of fevers. The root is made into a powder and applied to old wounds and ulcers. The leaves are astringent and febrifuge. They are said to promote the growth of hair. They are used to form a plaster in the treatment of strangury. The plant is a folk remedy for anaemia, hypertonia, nephritis and nervous diseases.
145 Semecarpus anacardium L. Anacardiaceae Tree Ripe fruits are aphrodisiac, digestive and stimulant. A paste or juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery, fever, asthma and haemorrhoids. The pure black acrid juice obtained from the fruits is used externally to remove rheumatic pains, aches and sprains. A little of the oil is rubbed over the parts affected - it is an efficacious remedy except in such constitutions as are subject to inflammations and swellings. Mixed with garlic and other substances, the juice is used in the treatment of almost every sort of venereal complaint. The bark is mildly astringent. A paste of the seed, mixed with honey, is used in the treatment of gastric troubles. The juice of the seeds is applied externally in the treatment of ringworm and severely chapped feet. The juice of the seeds has been tested as a possible anti-cancer. An oil obtained from the seeds is used to treat skin eruptions. The juice of the root is considered to be effective in causing sterility in women. The latex is applied externally in the treatment of headaches, skin diseases and scabies. The fruit and nut extract shows various activities like antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-reproductive, CNS stimulant, hypoglycemic, anticarcinogenic and hair growth promoter.
146 Ougeinia oojeinensis (Roxb.)Hochr. Fabaceae Tree Juice of the root, mixed with the powder of two fruits of black pepper, is taken in cases of eye trouble. The bark is used against fevers. A paste of bark is applied to cuts and wounds. A sap exudate is used to make a medicine against dysentery. The gum is astringent. The bark used as astringent, acrid, cooling, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, constipating, urinary astringent, anthelmintic, sudorific, depurative, styptic, febrifuge and rejuvenating. The extract of the whole plant showed anti – inflammatory, hypotensive action, anti-oxidant activity, Hepatoprotective, anthelmintic, hypoglycemic and wound healing activities.
147 Cassia fistula L. Caesalpiniaceae / Fabaceae / Leguminosae Tree Digestive, Paste of leaves and bark is applied in nose infection. Roots boiled with milk are used in acidity. Paste of leaves is used to treat skin diseases. Roots are used to cure fever. The pods are used as a remedy for malaria, blood poisoning, anthrax, diabetes and dysentery. The pods contain a sweet, sticky pulp. A decoction of this is taken as a cure for kidney stones, as a vermifuge and as a laxative.
148 Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae Tree The bark is astringent and tonic and its ash may be given internally as a digestive. Incorporated into lotions or poultices, the bark may be used to relives sores, ulcers, boils and rashes. It may also be administered as a decoction against asthma and amenorrhea and as a febrifuge. Leaf extracts exhibit anti-oxidant activity in the liver, and are a common ingredient in cardiac and blood sugar reducing medicines. Young leaves may be used in fomentation for rheumatism, applied to sores and wounds, or administered as a poultice for inflammation of joints to reduce swelling and relieve pain. A sweetened decoction of the leaves is good against throat infection, cough, fever, and even intestinal worms. The filtered hot juice of young leaves, and a poultice of the flowers, is used for conjunctivitis. The leaves are warmed and tied to affected areas in order to relieve swellings and pains, particularly sprains. They are also used for bathing sores or to bathe persons suffering from measles or allergies. The leaves and flowers are used to make a sweetened tea that is drunk by children as a remedy for measles. They were also used in a preparation which was drunk in early Guyana as a malaria remedy. A decoction of the flower buds is used as a remedy for children's bedwetting and urinary complaints. The fruit is aperient and laxative. A syrup made from the ripe fruit is drunk in order to keep the digestive organs in good condition, and also as a remedy for coughs and chest colds. The flesh of the fruit is eaten to cure fevers and control gastric acid. The fruit pulp may be used as a massage to treat rheumatism, as an acid refrigerant, a mild laxative and also to treat scurvy. Powdered seeds may be given to cure dysentery and Diarrhea. The plant contains pyrazines and thiazoles. The seed contains polyoses. The bark yields proanthocyanidin and hordenine. It is used traditionally in abdominal pain, Diarrhea and dysentery, helminthes infections, wound healing, malaria and fever, constipation, inflammation, cell cytotoxicity, gonorrhea, and eye diseases.
149 Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. Fabaceae Tree mother and child healthcare; skin diseases; used in melancholia, conjunctivits, haemaptysis, catarrah, cough, pruritus, leprosy, leucoderma, skin diseases, helminthiasis, norexia, Diarrhea, dysentery, foul ulcers and wounds, aemoptysis, haematemesis, haemorrages, fever, anaemia, diabetes and pharyngodynia.
150 Gardenia turgida Roxb. Rubiaceae Tree Roots: indigestion in childern. Fruits: eaten after cooking, used against eye ailments of cattles, pulp pounded and applied to forehead in fever, used as lep in abdominal colic, also used in affections of mammary glands. Plant: various plant parts used in fever, epilepsy, pimples, tubercular fistula, ringworm, haemat, cholera, smallpox, dysen., neuraligia, pleur., pneum., snake bite etc.
151 Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth. Rubiaceae Tree The bark and roots are used in the treatment of fevers and colic. Roots & Bark: acrid, bitter, stomachic and febrifuge. Leaves: acrid, bitter, sweet, styptic, vulnerary, stomachic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, depurative and febrifuge.
152 Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay Rubiaceae Tree The rind and fruit have useful emetic, diaphoretic and antispasmodic properties. The fruit is useful in cases of acute bronchitis and asthma. The fruit is applied externally in fever. The bark is a sedative and nervine carminative. It is given internally and externally in the treatment of fevers. An infusion of the bark root is used as an emetic. The bark is used internally and externally as an anodyne in the treatment of rheumatism and to relieve the pain of bruises and bone aches during fevers. It also acts as an astringent and is useful in treating Diarrhea and dysentery. Stem bark made into a paste and mixed with goat's milk and country liquour. This is prescribed in rheumatism once daily on an empty stomach. Fruits: cure abscess ulcers, inflammations tumours, skin diseases, pain in muscles, piles, chronic bronchitis, paralysis, leprosy, boils and eruption, brain diseases, asthma, leucoderma and rheumatism. Pulp of fruit bark: bone ache during fever.
153 Wrightia tinctoria Roem. Apocynaceae Tree Warmicide, Kadu indrajav; The bark is used in the treatment of dysentery. The dried and powdered bark is rubbed over the body in the treatment of dropsy. The seeds are anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent and febrifuge. They are used in the treatment of fevers, Diarrhea and dysentery, intestinal worms. The leaves are used to relieve toothache when chewed with salt. The leaves and roots are pounded in water for treatment of fever. The bark and leaves are used to treat psoriasis, stomach pains, toothache, and dysentery. The milky juice is used to stop bleeding.
154 Cordia dichotoma Forster. f., Prodr. Boraginaceae Tree Cough, Skin diseases, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulator and analgesic activity. From the ancient time, leaves and stem bark are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, fever, Diarrhea, leprosy, gonorrhea and burning sensation. Leaf of plant traditionally shows the therapeutic uses and actions such as anthelmintic, astringent, diuretic, demulcent, purgative, expectorant, tonic, ulcer and cough.
155 Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz Bignoniaceae Tree Ear problems; anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective and immunomodulaory; The bitter bark of the root is astringent, blood purifier and tonic. It is used in the treatment of stomach complaints, Diarrhea and dysentery. An alcoholic maceration of the fresh bark is externally applied on allergic dermatitis. When mixed with turmeric, the bark is used for healing sores of animals. The root is credited with antirheumatic, antidysenteric and diuretic properties. The seeds and bark are used medicinally for alleviating body pain, especially during fevers, and as an antiphlogistic medicine. It is also applied to burns and wounds. The juice of the bark is taken internally to treat Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the bark is refrigerant, used in the treatment of fevers and jaundice. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for stomach-ache. Applied externally the leaves are employed in the treatment of cholera, fever, childbirth and rheumatic swellings. The boiled leaves are used as a poultice during and after childbirth, and in dysentery as well as for an enlarged spleen. Leaf poultices may be further applied for toothache and headache. The seed is expectorant and laxative. A decoction is used in treating coughs, bronchitis and gastritis. The seeds are applied externally to ulcers.
156 Stereospermum personatum (Hassk.) Chatterjee Bignoniaceae Tree Digestive, Sexual problems, diuretic, Lithotropic, expectorant, cardio tonic and aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, febrifuge, tonic, anti emetic, anti pyretic, rheumatalgia, malarial fever, wound, asthma and cough.
157 Gmelina arborea Roxb. Verbenaceae Tree The roots have great medicinal value as a blood purifier, laxative, stomachic, tonic and as an anti-dote to poisons. The leaf sap is used as a demulcent to treat gonorrhea and cough, and is also applied to wounds and ulcers. The flowers have been used to treat leprosy and blood diseases. The root and bark of Gmelina arborea are stomachic, galactagogue laxative and anthelmintic; improve appetite, useful in hallucination, piles, abdominal pains, burning sensations, fevers, ‘tridosha’ and urinary discharge. Leaf paste is applied to relieve headache and juice is used as wash for ulcers. Flowers are sweet, cooling, bitter, acrid and astringent. They are useful in leprosy and blood diseases. In Ayurveda it has been observed that Gamhar fruit is acrid, sour, bitter, sweet, cooling, diuretic tonic, aphrodisiac, alternative astringent to the bowels, promote growth of hairs, useful in ‘vata’, thirst, anaemia, leprosy, ulcers and vaginal discharge. The plant is recommended in combination with other drugs for the treatment of snake – bite and scorpion- sting. In snake – bite a decoction of the root and bark is given internally.
158 Tectona grandis L. f. Verbenaceae Tree It is vermifuge; promotes digestion; is effective in relieving bilious headaches and toothaches; reduces inflammations or eruptions of the skin. The charred wood, soaked in poppy juice and made into a paste, has been used to relieve the swelling of the eyelids. The wood has been used as a hair tonic. An oil extracted from the roots is used to treat eczema, ringworms and inflammation. The bark has been used as an astringent and in the treatment of bronchitis. The flowers are diuretic. They are used to treat biliousness, bronchitis and urinary disorders. The seeds are diuretic. An oil extracted from the seeds promotes hair growth. The leaves have a reputation of being diuretic, depurative, purgative, stimulant, antidysenteric and vermifuge. They are used in traditional medicine to treat anaemia, asthenia, fever and malaria, amoebiasis, schistosomiasis and tuberculosis. Extracts of the leaves are reported to be effective against mycobacterium tuberculosis, to treat bleeding of larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs, and sore throat. An oil extracted from the tender shoots is used against scabies in children. Medicinally it has various pharmacological activities like anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-diuretic, and hypoglycemic.
159 Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. Lauraceae Tree The root bark and leaves are used medicinally to reduce fever, reduce swelling, and treat Diarrhea. They also may be used for treating furunculosis. The leaves, and the mucilage in the gum from the bark, have been used for making poultices. The bark also acts as a demulcent and mild astringent in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery. The pounded seeds are applied externally against boils. respiratory disorders and rheumatism; Antimicrobial, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer
160 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Ulmaceae Tree The plant is vermifuge, and is known to have anti-plasmodium properties. Both bark and leaf decoctions are used as a gargle, inhalation, drink, lotion, bath or vapour bath for coughs, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhea, yellow fever, toothache. The leaves are reported to be a general anti-dote to poisons. A bark infusion is drunk to control dysentery. A tea made from small pieces of the roasted wood is used to treat dysentery.
161 Ficus benghalensis L. Moraceae Tree Blood Sugar reduces, Hair tonic; The leaves are used to remedy dysentery and Diarrhea. They are used in a decoction with toasted rice as a diaphoretic. The young leaves are heated and used as a poultice. They are applied to abscesses as a poultice to promote suppurations and discharge of pus. The concentrated latex, combined with the fruit, is aphrodisiac and is used to treat spermatorrhoea and gonorrhea. Mixed with sugar, it is used as a treatment for dysentery in children. The milky latex in the plant is applied topicaly to treat toothache, bruises, painful areas, rheumatic joints and lumbago. It is dripped into wounds in order to kill or expel germs, and is applied to treat bleeding and swelling of the gums. The bark is tonic and diuretic. An infusion is anti-diabetic and a decoction is used as an astringent in the treatment of Leucorrhoea. A decoction of the root fibres is useful as a treatment against gonorrhea, whereas the tender ends of the aerial roots are used for obstinate vomiting. An infusion of the twigs is a useful remedy for haemoptysis. The milky latex is used against pains and fever, rheumatism and lumbago, toothache, and applied to cracked and inflamed soles. The fruit is tonic and has a cooling effect.
162 Ficus cunia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. Moraceae Tree The juice of the roots is applied to treat headaches, and is also recommended for fevers and menstrual disorders. The bark, combined with Schima wallichii and Syzygium cumini, is used to treat gastric troubles and peptic ulcers. The immature fruit is used to treat constipation. A paste of the fruit is applied to the forehead to relieve headaches. The latex is used to treat children with fevers.
163 Ficus hispida L. f. Moraceae Tree The juice of the root is used in the treatment of fevers. The bark is antiperiodic, emetic and tonic. The fruit is emetic. The juice of the fig is used in the treatment of liver problems.
164 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Arecaceae Tree The fruit is good in heart complaints, abdominal complaints, fevers, vomiting and loss of consciousness. The fruit pounded and mixed with almonds, quince seeds, pistachio nuts and sugar, form a restorative remedy. The juice obtained from the tree is considered to be a cooling beverage. The roots are used to stop toothache. The central tender part of the plant is used in the treatment of gonorrhea. The plant exhibits many pharmacological activities having anti oxidant, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, cytotoxic, erythropioetic, antiDiarrheal, analgesic, diuretic, anti-ulcer, antihypertensive and anti-diabetic properties.
165 Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre. Magnoliaceae Tree The bark is used as a febrifuge. A decoction of the bark and leaves is given after childbirth. The flowers are used to treat leprosy. The leaves are used as a treatment against colic. The seeds are used to treat badly chapped skin. Traditionally, the joy perfume tree was used in several treatments including fever, leprosy, cough, ulcer, abdominal cohlic, rheumatism, constipation, dysmenorrhoea, bronchitis, wounds, skin diseases and various other disorders. Also, this plant possesses numerous pharmacological properties such as anti-microbial, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, insecticidal, anti-uretic, anti-dinic, carminative, anti-diabetic etc.
166 Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile MIMOSOIDEAE Tree plant is therapeutic used as Anti-cancer, anti tumours, Antiscorbutic, Astringent, anti-oxidant, Natriuretic, Antispasmodial, Diuretic, Intestinal pains and Diarrhea, Nerve stimulant, Cold, Congestion, Coughs, Dysentery, Fever, Hemorrhages, Leucorrhea, Ophthalmia and Sclerosis (33). Seed: seeds have anti-malarial, anti-diabetic, antihypertensive and antispasmodic activities. Leaves & Pod: The leaves and pods are an excellent fodder with anti-inflammatory properties, rich in protein. The pods have molluscicidal and algicidal properties. Bark: It is used in the treatment of hemorrhages, cold, Diarrhea, tuberculosis and leprosy. Root: it is used as an aphrodisiac and the flowers for treating syphilis lesions. Gum: Gum obtains from the tree is pharmaceutically used as suspending and emulsifying agent and in preparation of many formulations. Its resins repel insects and water.
167 Adansonia digitata L. MALVACEAE Tree The leaves are hyposensitive and antihistamine. They are used to treat kidney and bladder diseases, asthma, general fatigue, Diarrhea, insect bites, and guinea worm. Leaf and flower infusions are valued for respiratory problems, digestive disorders and eye inflammation. Seeds are used to cure gastric, kidney and joint diseases. They are roasted then ground and the powder smeared on the affected part or drunk in water. The seed paste is used for curing tooth and gum diseases. The pulp is widely used in Africa as a diaphoretic to combat fevers, and to treat dysentery. The bark is used in steam baths for calming shivering and high fever. The bark is boiled and taken as a cure for body pains. This infusion is also used to treat colds, fever and influenza. A decoction of the roots is taken as a remedy for lassitude, impotence and kwashiorkor.
168 Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin CORNACEAE Tree In Ayurveda the roots and the fruits are used for treatment of rheumatism, and hemorrhoid. Externally it is used for the treatment of bites of rabbits, rats, and dogs. The roots are anthelmintic and purgative. The juice is used to expel worms, and to treat conditions such as piles, dropsy, hypertension, Diarrhea, fever, back pain, blood disorders, snake and rat bites, leprosy and other skin diseases. he stem is used to cure Diarrhea and vomiting. The leaves are used to cure asthma and as cataplasm to reduce rheumatic pains. The fruit juice is applied to the eyes to cure eye diseases.
169 Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. APOCYNACEAE Tree The bark is a bitter, astringent, alterative herb that lowers fevers, relaxes spasms, stimulates lactation and expels intestinal worms. It is anthelmintic, anticholeric, antispasmodic, astringent, emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary. It is used to treat bowel complaints, abdominal pains, fevers and irregular menstruation, and has proved a valuable remedy for chronic Diarrhea and the advanced stages of dysentery. A decoction is applied as a wash for skin diseases, and as a gargle. he latex obtained from the bark is considered to be powerfully tonic, vermifuge. It has been used for treating neuralgia and toothache. It is also used as an anti-malarial drug. The latex is drunk in small amounts as a poison anti-dote.The leaves are used for treating beriberi, dropsy and congested liver. A poultice made from the leaves has been reported as a good remedy against skin diseases. An infusion of the crushed leaves is used to clean infected wounds
170 Azadirachta indica A. Juss. MELIACEAE Tree It is a bitter, tonic herb that acts as an alterative, clearing toxins, reducing inflammation, lowering fevers, promoting healing and generally improving bodily functions. It destroys a wide range of parasitic organisms and is spermicidal. It is not usually given to the very young, the old or the weak. Leaf teas are traditionally used to treat malaria, peptic ulcers and intestinal worms. The leaf juice is applied externally to ulcers, wounds, boils and eczema. An oil extracted from the seed is strongly anti-fungal, anthelmintic, anti-septic and purgative. It is applied externally in cases of leprosy and is also used as a vehicle for applying other active ingredients to the body. People use the twigs as toothbrushes, where they help to firm up the gums and prevent gum disease. The bark is bitter and astringent. A decoction is applied externally to haemorrhoids. anthelmintic, antiperiodic, anti-septic, diuretic and purgative actions, and are also used to treat boils, pimples, eye diseases, hepatitis, leprosy, rheumatism, scrofula, ringworm and ulcers.
171 Ehretia laevis (Rottler ex G. Don) Roxb. BORAGINACEAE Tree The leaves are febrifuge, haemostatic and laxative. Sap from the fresh leaves is used as a mild laxative for children. The leaves are commonly used in an infusion with other plants, taken orally and also used as a wash, to treat fevers, children's convulsions. Leaf poultices are applied to fractured bones to promote healing. The leaf, usually after pounding with that of Newbouldia laevis and a guinea pepper, is tied on the head as a remedy for headaches. The crushed roots, mixed in water, are taken as a treatment against stomach complaints. The root juice is applied to wounds. A decoction of the roots and leaves is used as a treatment for infantile tetanus and dysentery. A decoction of the bark is taken as a remedy for amenorrhoea, and the decoction when left to cool separates to a supernatant layer of oil which is applied to skin-affections.
172 Mimusops elengi L. SAPOTACEAE Tree The bark is astringent, bitter and tonic. It is used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the bark, sometimes mixed with the flowers, is used as a gargle to treat gum inflammation, toothache etc. It is also used to treat gonorrhea, snake bites, fevers, wounds, scabies and eczema. The leaves are used to treat headache, toothache, wounds and sore eyes, and are smoked to cure infections of the nose and mouth. The flowers have been used as a remedy against Diarrhea. The young fruits have been employed in a gargle for treating sprue. The pounded seeds are used to cure obstinate constipation. Various parts of the tree have medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment and maintenance of oral hygiene. Rinsing mouth with water solution made with bakul helps in strengthening the teeth. It also prevents bad breath and helps keep the gums healthy.
173 Putranjiva roxburghii Wall. PUTRANJIVACEAE Tree A decoction of leaves and fruit is taken for the treatment of liver complaints, colds, fevers and rheumatism.
174 Salix babylonica L. SALICACEAE Tree The leaves and bark are antirheumatic, astringent and tonic. A decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of abscesses, carbuncle, fever, rheumatism, skin diseases, ulcers etc. An infusion of the bark has been used to treat Diarrhea and fevers. The bark can be used as a poultice. The stem bark is used in the treatment of skin eruptions due to parasites. The root bark is used in a bath for the treatment of parasitic skin diseases. A gum from the stems is used in the treatment of foul sores. The down of the seeds is used in the treatment of fevers, haemorrhages, jaundice, rheumatism etc.
175 Santalum album L. SANTALACEAE Tree It is an aromatic, bittersweet, astringent herb that cools the body, calms the mind, relieves spasms and improves digestion. It has diuretic, analgesic, anti-septic, expectorant and stimulant effects. The wood or essential oil is taken internally in the treatment of genito-urinary disorders, fever, sunstroke, digestive problems and abdominal pain. A paste of the wood is used externally to treat skin complaints. Sandalwood oil is little used in modern herbalism, its main application is in aromatherapy.
176 Stereospermum chelonoides (L. fil.) DC. BIGNONIACEAE Tree An infusion of the pleasant tasting root, as well as the fragrant flowers, is used as a cooling drink in the treatment of fevers. The juice of the bark is used to treat indigestion.
177 Streblus asper Lour. MORACEAE Tree A decoction of the stem bark is used in the treatment of dysentery, Diarrhea and fevers. The bark is chewed as an anti-dote in snake poisoning. Water in which the bark of this tree has been boiled is used for disinfecting wounds. The powdered root bark is used to treat toothache and to cure peritonitis. The leaves are depurative and laxative. They are given, with a little added salt, to mothers who have just given birth. A decoction of the branchlets is drunk to relieve a swollen abdomen. The seed is considered tonic and carminative, as well as an appetizer. A decoction of the roots is used to treat diphtheria. The latex from the plant, rubbed on the temples, is considered effective in treating neuralgia.