Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 4     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 5     ORCHIDS : 1     SHRUBS : 3     TREES : 4

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch. Vitaceae Climbers Plant is used in muscular pain, sores, pneumonia and bone fracture. Decoction of the stem bark is given in stomach pain. Root paste is applied to wounds to heal; decoction is given in cases of chronic dysentery.
2 Cissus repanda (Wight & Arn.) Vahl, Vitaceae Climbers relieve some of the symptoms of malaria; The root powder after heating is applied to cuts and fractures. Leaf poultice reduces the inflammation of boils.
3 Dioscorea oppositifolia L. Dioscoreaceae Climbers Tuber : Swelling, scorpion stings, and snake bites. Oral administration of tuber powder mixed with honey for increasing sperm. Fracture
4 Cissus quadrangularis VITACEAE Climbers Veldt Grape has been used as a medicinal plant since antiquity. In siddha medicine it is considered a tonic and analgesic, and is believed to help heal broken bones, thus its name asthisamharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). It is said to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anthelmintic, antihemorrhoidal and analgesic activities. It is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand. An infusion of the plant is antifungal and anthelmintic. The pulped stem is given in the treatment of asthma; is used as an alterative in cases of amenorrhoea; and is given in the treatment of haemorrhoids. The leaves or young stems are analgesic and also speed the rate of healing. They are crushed and applied as a poultice to ease the pain of broken bones; for the maturation of boils; to cure wounds and burns; to ease the pain of rheumatic joints; and also as a treatment for saddle sores on horses. The powdered dry roots are used for treating indigestion. The powdered root is considered to be a specific in the treatment of fractured bones.
5 Impatiens balsamina L. Balsaminaceae Herbs Treat thorn or glass-puncture wounds, abscesses, scrofulosis, carbuncles, dysentery, rheumatism, isthmus and crural aches, fractures, superficial infections, fingernail inflammation, tumor, difficult labor and puerperal pain, anti-microbial, antirheumatic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic activities and antitumoral
6 Pseudarthria viscida (L.)Wight & Arn. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Plant is used in tridoshas, cough, asthma, fever, dysentery, cardiac ailments, rheumatoid arthritis and aid in fast healing of fractured bone. The roots are astringent, thermogenic, digestive, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, aphrodisiac, nervine, cardio and rejuvenating tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility. anti-diabetic, anti Diarrheal, anti cancer, cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, inflammation, cardiopathy, fever, hemorrhoids, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility
7 Cryptolepis buchanani Roemer & Schultes Asclepiadaceae Herbs Anti-dermatophyte activity; Root is demulcent, alterative, tonic and is useful in loss of appetite, fever and skin diseases. It is considered as a blood purifier and extensively used in skin diseases and leprosy. It is prescribed to children for rickets; treatment of bone fracture; anti-bacterial; analgesic; anti-inflammatory; chondroprotective activity; muscle pain and joint pain;
8 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Cuscutaceae Herbs headache, labour pain, bone fracture, fever, rheumatism, impotence, premature ejaculation, sperm leakage, frequent urination, ringing in the ears, lower back pain, sore knees, leucorrhea, dry eyes, blurred vision, and tired eyes.
9 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Herbs A decoction of the aerial parts of the plant are drunk as a treatment for cough. An infusion of the whole plant is taken as a remedy for fever and dysentery. A decoction is used as a wash for relieving headache. The sap of the plant is used as ear drops to treat otitis and headache[310. The plant is pulped and applied as a poultice on sores, burns and fractures, where it acts as a haemostatic and cicatrizant. The ash of the burnt plant, mixed with water, is rubbed on the body as a remedy for scabies and other skin ailments. The roots are used as an abortifacient. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The root is used as a plaster to treat caterpillar itch, around the neck for cough and on the belly for intestinal worms or shingles. The leaves, mashed with water, are a remedy for cholera. The stem and leaves are a mild laxative. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat. A decoction of the leaves is applied to snake bites. The juice from macerated leaves is applied to cuts and bruises as an anti-septic. Macerated leaves are applied to wounds to stop bleeding. The juice of the stem is used as an abortifacient. A decoction is taken as a diuretic and to increase menstrual discharge. The flowers as an expectorant.
10 Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don Orchidaceae Orchid The roots are alexiteric and anti-pyretic; useful in dyspepsia, bronchitis, inflammations, piles and hiccup. Externally the root is used in rheumatism and allied disorders and diseases of the nervous system. It is also employed as a remedy for secondary syphilis and scorpion stings. The juice of the leaves is used topically in otitis and a paste of them finds use as a febrifuge. The roots possess significant anti-inflammatory activity and exhibit potent analgesic effects combined with a relatively low toxicity. In the Yunani system, the root is used as a tonic for the liver and brain; effective against bronchitis, piles, lumbago, toothache, and boils of the scalp; it also is said to lessen inflammation and heal fractures. The root is said to be fragrant, bitter and useful in rheumatism and allied disorders, in which it is prescribed in a variety of forms. It is also used in the composition of several medicated oils for external application in rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system. In Chota Nagpur, the leaves are pounded into a paste and then applied to the body during fever. A compound decoction of this root is administered in cases of Hemiplegia as some Indian physicians consider it useful in rheumatism and all nervous diseases. The leaves are pounded and the paste is applied to the body to bring down fever; the juice is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Otitis media and other inflammatory conditions. The roots are used in Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, and also in fever; they are reported to possess anti-bacterial and anti-tubercular properties. The herb is also used for Sciatica. The leaves are used by the Santhal girls for making anklets.
11 Uraria picta (Jacq.)DC. Fabaceae Shrubs relieves mild Diarrhea, dyspnoea, Asthma, Bronchitis and Chronic respiratory disorders, healing of fractured bone, anti-inflammatory, antianxiety ,anti depressant. The Uraria species is useful in quick healing of bone fractures. It is used as a cardio and nervine tonic and has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and diuretic properties. The root of the plant is one of the ingredients of ‘dasamoola’ in Ayurveda.
12 Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees Acanthaceae Shrubs The herb is used for its anti-bacterial property (tuberculostatic), snake poison, in bone fracture, sprain, fever, cold, cough and for ear and eye treatments. Anti-cancer (Ogunwande et al., 2010); It is used on fever, dyspepsia, swellings and bronchitis, juice of the leaves is applied on glandular swelling.
13 Dichrostachys cinerea (L.)Wight & Arn. MIMOSOIDEAE Shrubs The bark is astringent and vermifuge. It is used in the treatment of dysentery, headaches, toothaches and elephantiasis. The root is anthelmintic, purgative and strongly diuretic. Infusions are taken for the treatment of snake bites, leprosy, syphilis and coughs. A decoction of the root has been used as a contraceptive for women. The pounded roots and leaves are used to treat epilepsy. The roots or the leaves can be chewed and placed on the sites of snake bites and scorpion stings. The leaves are diuretic and laxative. Applied externally, they are believed to produce a local anaesthesia. They are used in treating gonorrhea, boils, sore eyes and toothaches. A powder from the leaves is used in the massage of fractures. A chloroform extract of the leaves has been shown to possess anti-bacterial and analgesic activites. A saponin extract of the leaves has been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory activity An aqueous extract of the leaves has been shown to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities.
14 Aegle marmelos L. Rutaceae Tree Mulvyadh, Kawil, Pitta The different parts of Bael are used for various therapeutic purposes, such as for treatment of Asthma, Anaemia, Fractures, Healing of Wounds, Swollen Joints, High Blood Pressure, Jaundice, Diarrhea Healthy Mind and Brain Typhoid Troubles during Pregnancy. Ant diabetic Activity, Hepatoprotective activity, Antimicrobial Activity, Analgesic anti-inflammatory, & anti-pyretic Activity, anti-fungal Activity, Anti-cancer Activity (Wal et al., 2015), Radioprotective Activity, Antispermatogenic Activity, anti-ulcer Activity, Anti thyroid Activity, Toxicity Studies and antiDiarrheal. The dried pulp is astringent. It reduces irritation in the digestive tract and is an excellent remedy in cases of Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the astringent unripe fruit, combined with fennel and ginger, is prescribed in cases of haemorrhoids.
15 Careya arborea Roxb. Lecythidaceae Tree Cough, Dental Problems, The bark of the tree and the sepals of the flowers are well-known Indian remedies, and are valued on account of their astringent and mucilaginous properties, being administered internally in coughs and colds and applied externally as an embrocation. Traditionally used in the treatment of tumours, bronchitis, skin disease, epileptic fits, astringents, anti-dote to snake-venom, abscesses, boil and ulcer. Fruits are used as decoction to promote digestion. Leaves and flowers are used in the form of paste to cure several skin diseases. It is also used as remedy for Diarrhea, dysentery with bloody stools and ear pain. Leaf paste and pulp used as poultice rapidly heals ulcers and root is used for the treatment of tuberculosis and skeletal fractures. cytotoxic activity, antitumor effect, N-nitrosodiethylamine induced hepatocarcinogenesis, CNS depressant, anticoagulant and anti-oxidant activity
16 Ficus virens W. T. Aiton Moraceae Tree bark, latex, leaves and fruits are used in the treatment of blood diseases, apoplexy, vertigo, delirium, pain, rheumatism, diabetes and also as anti-oxidants. Used to treat apoplexy, blood diseases, bone fracture, delirium, diabetes, Leucorrhoea, pain, rheumatism, skin ulcers and vertigo.
17 Ehretia laevis (Rottler ex G. Don) Roxb. BORAGINACEAE Tree The leaves are febrifuge, haemostatic and laxative. Sap from the fresh leaves is used as a mild laxative for children. The leaves are commonly used in an infusion with other plants, taken orally and also used as a wash, to treat fevers, children's convulsions. Leaf poultices are applied to fractured bones to promote healing. The leaf, usually after pounding with that of Newbouldia laevis and a guinea pepper, is tied on the head as a remedy for headaches. The crushed roots, mixed in water, are taken as a treatment against stomach complaints. The root juice is applied to wounds. A decoction of the roots and leaves is used as a treatment for infantile tetanus and dysentery. A decoction of the bark is taken as a remedy for amenorrhoea, and the decoction when left to cool separates to a supernatant layer of oil which is applied to skin-affections.