Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 5     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 11     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 7     TREES : 10

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt Cucurbitaceae Climbers Various preparations of roots, stems and leaves of Coccinia grandis have been mentioned in indigenous systems of medicine as being efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases, bronchial catarrh, bronchitis and diabetes. In traditional medicine, fruits have been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis, and jaundice. The fruit possesses mast cell-stabilizing, antianaphylactic, and antihistaminic potential. In Bangladesh, the roots are used to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain. A paste made of leaves is applied to the skin to treat scabies. analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective, anti-malarial, antidyslipidemic, anti-cancer, antitussive, mutagenic
2 Ctenolepis garcinii (Burm. f.) Naud. Cucurbitaceae Climbers decoction of roots is given in colic, fever, indigestion, anorexia and rheumatism, paste of leaves is applied to boils and swelling, fruits are given in gonorrhea, fruits pulp is applied on foot sole to cure heat in the body. Hepatoprotective activity, anti-cancer activity, anti-bacterial activity and anti-fungal activity, anti-inflammatory activity (Vijayakrishnan, 2013)
3 Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M. Roem. Cucurbitaceae Climbers anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective, Anti-rheumatic, diuretic, stomachic (a digestive tonic), gentle aperient, anti-pyretic and Anti-flatulent, Anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and Anti-bronchitis, is used for tooth-ache besides its use in vertigo and biliousness
4 Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Asclepiadaceae Climbers Traditionally it has been used as an elmintic, laxative, anti-pyretic and expectorant, besides treatment of infantile Diarrhea, malarial intermittent fevers, toothaches and colds. Studies have shown Hepatoprotective, anti-fertility, anti-diabetic, analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of substances in its aerial parts. Used for uterine and menstrual troubles and to facilitate parturition. Juice of the leaves is considered useful in asthmatic affections and infantile Diarrhea; along with lime and ginger applied to rheumatic swellings. Pulp of fresh leaves are used as a stimulating poultice in carbuncle with good effect. Root bark is given as an anthelmintic; mixed with cow’s milk as a purgative in rheumatic cases (Yusuf et al. 2009).
5 Momordica balsamina sensu W. & A. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The fruits, seeds and leaves are anthelmintic. The leaves are used as a treatment against fever and excessive uterine bleeding, and to treat syphilis, rheumatism, hepatitis and skin disorders. The plant is emetic, purgative and vermifuge. anti-HIV, anti-plasmodial, shigellocidal, anti-Diarrheal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, analgesic and Hepatoprotective properties.
6 Tribulus terrestris L. Zygophyllaceae Herbs diuretic, aphrodisiac, antiurolithic, immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, absorption enhancing, hypolipidemic, cardiotonic, central nervous system, Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anthelmintic, larvicidal, and anticariogenic activities; It is used to remove the kidney stone and urine problem;
7 Cosmos sulphureus Cav. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs consumed in salads or herbal tea with the effect of inhibiting pancreatic lipase. high dose of paracetamol extract of the plant has a Hepatoprotective effect.
8 Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. Asteraceae Herbs Leaves are regarded in India as a valuable stomachic possessing deobstruent and antispasmodic properties, and are prescribed as an infusion and an electuary in cases of obstructed menses and hysteria. oestrogenicity, antifertility, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, cytotoxic, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective, diuretic and anti-microbial activities
9 Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae Herbs Digestive, Antibiotic, Anti-cancer (Paul et al., 2015); anti-pyretic, diuretic, anti-cancer, Hepatoprotective effects. Black nightshade is used for skin diseases, rheumatism, and gout. Juice of the herb is given in chronic enlargement of the liver. It can cure ear, and eye diseases. It is sometimes prescribed to "remove the effect of old age."
10 Costus speciosus (J. Koenig.) Sm. Costaceae Herbs Cough, Cold, Digestive, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, Hepatoprotective, steroidogenic, adaptogenic, anti-microbial effects.
11 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Hypoxidaceae Herbs aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic activities; The rhizomes of the plants are used for the treatment of decline in strength, jaundice and asthma. According to Ayurveda, root is heating, aphrodisiac, alternative, appetizer, fattening and useful in treatment of piles, biliousness, fatigue, blood related disorders etc. According to Unani system of medicine, root is carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-pyretic and useful in bronchitis, ophthalmia, indigestion, vomiting, Diarrhea, lumbago, gonorrhea, gleet, hydrophobia, joint pains etc.
12 Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker Liliaceae Herbs Sexual Problems, Tonic; Safed musali is used as an aphrodisiac and galactogogue as well as for its nutritive, health promoting properties and immunoenhancing, Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidants activities. The tubers are also used in fever, Leucorrhoea and also as an aphrodisiac.
13 Eriocaulon quinquangulare L. Eriocaulaceae Herbs Hepatoprotective activity
14 Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs treatment of toothache and strengthening of gums, anthelmintic, kidney diseases, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, antihyperglycaemic, antihyperglycaemic and anti-cancer.
15 Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn. Euphorbiaceae Herbs Used in the problems of stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen. It is bitter, astringent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and anti-septic. The whole plant is used in gonorrhea, menorrhagia and other genital affections. It is useful in gastropathy, Diarrhea, dysentery, intermittent fevers, ophthalmopathy, scabies, ulcers and wounds. Pharmacological activities including anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antiplasmodial, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective nephroprotective and diurectic properties.
16 Chenopodium album L. Chenopodiaceae Herbs The leaves may be taken in the form of an infusion or decoction as a laxative and anthelminthic. It has also been recommended by Hindu physicians as a treatment for hepatic disorders and splenic enlargement. Seeds are used traditionally to improve the appetite and as an anthelmintic, laxative, aphrodisiac and a tonic. They have also been used to treat biliousness, stomach pains, eye and throat problems, piles, and diseases of blood, heart and spleen. hypoglycemic, anti-bacterial, spasmolytic, anti-pruritic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer.
17 Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels Menispermaceae Shrubs An aqueous extract of the leaves has shown diuretic and laxative properties. An infusion of the leaves is used to treat stomach-ache. A decoction is drunk to remedy female sterility. The leaf sap is used to treat nervous illnesses. The cooked leaves are eaten to treat night blindness. A jelly prepared by soaking leaves in cold water is taken to check spermatogenesis. Applied externally, the leaves are used to treat skin infections and itchy skin including eczema, rheumatism and gonorrhea. The roots are alterative, diuretic, laxative and tonic. A decoction is applied against fever, rheumatism and severe weight loss. The plants are reported to have anti-oxidant, cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, and hypotensive. It is used traditionally as alterative, laxative, demulcent, prurigo, eczema, dyspepsia tonic, diuretic, antiperiodic in fever, in malaria, joint pains and in skin diseases.
18 Tamarix troupii Hole Tamaricaceae Shrubs The bark is bitter and an astringent, tonic; fruit and leaves are useful for dysentery and chronic Diarrhea. Galls are astringent, given internally in dysentery and Diarrhea, A strong decoction of gall is recommended for foul and sloughing ulcers; infusion is used as a gargle for sore throat. Powdered galls mixed with oil or vaseline is used in ulcerating piles and anal fissures. As a mild purgative, decoction of the gall is suitable for children, as it causes soft motion without irritation of bowels. The twigs and leaves are vulnerary; their ash is carminative, diuretic, Hepatoprotective, resolvent of the hepatic and splenic inflammations. It enters in British pharmacopoeia for their highest containing tannic acid.
19 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Shrubs Snake bite, Urinal diseases, Anti-cancer (leaf): Kaladhar et al., 2014; The juice of the leaves is demulcent and diuretic. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. A paste made of the leaves or seeds is applied to wounds, boils and ulcers. The seeds are laxative and are useful in cases of haemorrhoids and cough. An infusion of the root is used as a treatment for leprosy. It is taken internally as a cooling remedy for coughs and fevers. A decoction of the flowers is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. anti-inflammatory; Anti-proliferative activity; Anti-Arthritic activity; Analgesic; Sedative property; Antioxidant; Antimicrobial activity; Hepatoprotective activity; Anti diabetic; Anti cancer; Anti Diarrheal; Anti-convulsant; Larvicidal; Wound healing; Anti asthmatic; Diuretic; Immunomodulatory; Anti-estrogenic activity;
20 Azanza lampas (Cav.) Alef. Malvaceae Shrubs The roots and fruits are used in the treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis. The root juice is used in the treatment of a range of ailments and also as a health tonic. A root paste is used in the treatment of jaundice. The stem ofthe plan ist used traditionally in the treatment of inflammation, hyperacidity, epistaxis, bronchitis, cough, dysentery, fever, sun stroke, carbincles, and worms. Aqueous extracts of the plant, tested on tapeworms and roundworms, have shown vermicidal activity. They have been found effective as an anthelmintic. A study showed in vitro anti-oxidant activity, with a relationship between extract concentration and percentage of inhibition of free radicals, metal chelating, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition. Studies have shown that the plant exhibits a statistically significant Hepatoprotective effect, thus supporting its traditional use to treat liver problems. A study of extracts of the plant have shown both anti-oxidant activity and anti-lipoxygenase activity. Lipoxygenases are critical in the biosynthesis of leukotrines which play an important role in the pathophysiology of inflammatory disease. A study has established the lipid lowering properties of an aqueous extract of the roots. Total cholesterol, low-density lipids and triglycerides were significantly reduced, while the high density lipid level was significantly increased.
21 Helicteres isora L. Malvaceae Shrubs Treat snake bite, Diarrhea and constipation of new born baby. The extract of the seeds cures dysentery and stomach pain. The root and stem bark are expectorant, demulcent, astringent, galactofuge, and a remedy for scabies. The stem bark is also used for treating Diarrhea and dysentery; anti-oxidant, hypolipidaemic, anti-bacterial and antiplasmid activities, cardiac anti-oxidant, antiperoxidative potency, brain-antioxidation potency, anti-cancer activity, antinociceptive activity, Hepatoprotective activity, anti-Diarrheal activity and wormicidal activity;
22 Indigofera trita L. f. Fabaceae Shrubs The plant is used as Anti-tumor (Nadkarni, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities(Senthilkumar et al., 2008). Treat diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation, tumor and liver diseases.
23 Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The plant material is generally used to cure the diseases like epilepsy,fever, headache, and urinary problems. It possess Hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory attributes.
24 Aegle marmelos L. Rutaceae Tree Mulvyadh, Kawil, Pitta The different parts of Bael are used for various therapeutic purposes, such as for treatment of Asthma, Anaemia, Fractures, Healing of Wounds, Swollen Joints, High Blood Pressure, Jaundice, Diarrhea Healthy Mind and Brain Typhoid Troubles during Pregnancy. Ant diabetic Activity, Hepatoprotective activity, Antimicrobial Activity, Analgesic anti-inflammatory, & anti-pyretic Activity, anti-fungal Activity, Anti-cancer Activity (Wal et al., 2015), Radioprotective Activity, Antispermatogenic Activity, anti-ulcer Activity, Anti thyroid Activity, Toxicity Studies and antiDiarrheal. The dried pulp is astringent. It reduces irritation in the digestive tract and is an excellent remedy in cases of Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the astringent unripe fruit, combined with fennel and ginger, is prescribed in cases of haemorrhoids.
25 Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz Anacardiaceae Tree The fruit is used as an astringent and antiscorbutic. It is used in the treatment of bilious dyspepsia. The juice of the fruit is applied against earache. The bark is recommended in the treatment of stomach aches and dysentery. A paste of the bark is applied topically in the treatment of rheumatism and swollen joints. The root is considered to be useful in regulating menstruation. This plant has been known to possess anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, ulcer-protective, anti-cancerous, anti-Diarrheal, anthelmintic, cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective activity.
26 Butea monosperma Roxb. Fabaceae Tree Diebities, Urinal Problems, Dye for Skin diseases. The root paste is applied on neck, below the ear in thyroid problem. Flower soaked in cold water for night, mixed with little quantity of sugar and is given in kidney stone and bleeding during urination. Flowers used in almost all diseases of women also make the uterus strong. Anti-cancer; Prophylactic; anti-oxidant; anti-inflammatory; anticonvulsant activities; anti-diabetic; Hepatoprotective effects;
27 Ougeinia oojeinensis (Roxb.)Hochr. Fabaceae Tree Juice of the root, mixed with the powder of two fruits of black pepper, is taken in cases of eye trouble. The bark is used against fevers. A paste of bark is applied to cuts and wounds. A sap exudate is used to make a medicine against dysentery. The gum is astringent. The bark used as astringent, acrid, cooling, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, constipating, urinary astringent, anthelmintic, sudorific, depurative, styptic, febrifuge and rejuvenating. The extract of the whole plant showed anti – inflammatory, hypotensive action, anti-oxidant activity, Hepatoprotective, anthelmintic, hypoglycemic and wound healing activities.
28 Terminalia chebula Retz. Combretaceae Tree The treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, Diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding piles, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The plant has been demonstrated to possess multiple pharmacological and medicinal activities, such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antiproliferative, radioprotective, cardioprotective, antiarthritic, anticaries, gastrointestinal motility and wound healing activity.
29 Cordia macleodii Hook. fil. & Thoms. Boraginaceae Tree Brain tonic; wound healing, aphrodisiac and Hepatoprotective activities;
30 Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz Bignoniaceae Tree Ear problems; anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective and immunomodulaory; The bitter bark of the root is astringent, blood purifier and tonic. It is used in the treatment of stomach complaints, Diarrhea and dysentery. An alcoholic maceration of the fresh bark is externally applied on allergic dermatitis. When mixed with turmeric, the bark is used for healing sores of animals. The root is credited with antirheumatic, antidysenteric and diuretic properties. The seeds and bark are used medicinally for alleviating body pain, especially during fevers, and as an antiphlogistic medicine. It is also applied to burns and wounds. The juice of the bark is taken internally to treat Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the bark is refrigerant, used in the treatment of fevers and jaundice. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for stomach-ache. Applied externally the leaves are employed in the treatment of cholera, fever, childbirth and rheumatic swellings. The boiled leaves are used as a poultice during and after childbirth, and in dysentery as well as for an enlarged spleen. Leaf poultices may be further applied for toothache and headache. The seed is expectorant and laxative. A decoction is used in treating coughs, bronchitis and gastritis. The seeds are applied externally to ulcers.
31 Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll. Arg. Euphorbiaceae Tree Urinal diseases, Antifilarial, Antifertility, Antibacterial and anti-fungal, Anti-Inflammatory and Immunoregulatory Activity, Antioxidant Activity and Antiradical Activity, Protein Inhibition Implicated in Cancer Processes, Hepatoprotective Activity, Anticestodal Activity, Anthelmintic Activity, Antituberculosis Activity, Antiallergic Activity, Anti-Leukaemic Activity, Antiproliferative Activity, Anti-HIV Activity, Antitumor Activity, Wound Healing, Wound Healing; According to Ayurveda, leaves are bitter, cooling and appetizer. Fruit is heating, Purgative, anthelmintic, vulnerary, detergent, maturant, carminative, alexiteric and useful in treatment of bronchitis, abdominal diseases, spleen enlargement etc.
32 Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. Ulmaceae Tree The bark and leaves are used for treating oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles and sprue. A poultice of the bark and leaves is applied topically to treat boils, swellings and rheumatic pains. The bark is used externally as a treatment for rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, ulcers and scorpion stings. The mucilaginous bark is boiled then the juice is squeezed out and applied to rheumatic swellings; the exhausted bark is then powdered and applied over the parts covered by the sticky juice. The seed and a paste of the stem bark is used in treating ringworm. anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, antiDiarrheal, adaptogenic, anti-cancer, wound healing, Hepatoprotective, larvicidal, antiemetic, CNS depressant, and hypolipidemic activities.
33 Acacia chundra (Rottler)Willd. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree The bark and leaves are used for ulcerated abscesses and toothache; wood for leucoderma. anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-Diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcer, antisecretory, Hepatoprotective, hypoglycaemic, sore throat and wound healing