Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 1     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 14     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 9     TREES : 5

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Sapindaceae Climbers Ear problems, C. halicacabum has been used in the treatment of rheumatism, nervous diseases, stiffness of the limbs and snake bite. Leaves are crushed and made into a tea, which aids itchy skin. Salted leaves are used as a poultice on swellings. Young leaves can be cooked as vegetables. The leaf juice has been used as a treatment for earache as well.
2 Borreria stricta G. Mey. Rubiaceae Herbs The plant is considered to be emetic and stomachic. The leaves are diuretic and purgative. Although used as a purgative, they are also used in the treatment of Diarrhea as well as conditions such as schistosomiasis, kidney problems, fever and blennorrhagia. The leaves are said to be applied topically in the treatment of skin problems such as leprosy, furuncles, ulcers, itches and gonorrheal sores.
3 Enicostema hyssopifolium (Willd.) Verdoorn Gentianaceae Herbs The plant is used in folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus, rheumatisum, abdominal ulcers, hernia, swelling, itching and insect poisoning.
4 Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Bruhl. Orobanchaceae Herbs Ringworms; Itching;
5 Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell. Scrophulariaceae Herbs The plant is considered to have emetic and cathartic properties. It has given good results in treating bilious disorders, dysentery, amenorrhoea, and hepatitis. The powdered herb, mixed with rice water, is drunk to relieve Diarrhea, vomiting and cholera. A decoction of the leaves is given as a medicine after childbirth. An infusion is used to diminish leakage of albuminuria and to treat leprosy. A decoction is drunk as a tea for its febrifuge effect. The leaf decoction is applied topically to boils and itches, herpes-like sores, and to sores caused by forest ticks. The juice of the aerial parts of the plant, mixed with turmeric (Curcuma longa) and heated with a little water, is applied topically to treat infected fingernails.
6 Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees Acanthaceae Herbs treatment of wounds, leaves are used for treating itches, insect bites, sores, eye diseases, tumours, skin diseases, rheumatic complaints, renal affections, dental problems and insect bites. treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, eye sore, renal infection, cough, wounds, scalds, toothache, stomachache and kidney stones
7 Lepidagathis cristata Willd. Acanthaceae Herbs Skin diseases, Tonic, fever, inflammations, malaria, skin itch, burns and wounds.
8 Lepidagathis trinervis Nees Acanthaceae Herbs The plant is considered as a bitter tonic. Ash of this plant is mixed with oil and applied on blotches, swellings etc. It is also applied on ringworm and itch with sulphur. Leaves are used as substitute for tea by some people. It is used for rheumatic affections.
9 Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T. Aiton Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs Leaves is used for sores of eyes and nostrils. A poultice for scabies, itches, headaches, vertigo, and colic. Also used as a vermifuge with children. fever, jaundice, and for scorpion and snake bites.
10 Phyllanthus virgatus G.Forst. Euphorbiaceae Herbs Antibiotic, Liver Tonic; The plant is antipruritic, anti-septic, ophthalmic. The leaf juice is used as an eyewash for inflamed eyes. The leaves are crushed and mixed with buttermilk to make a lotion for children against itching. The fresh leaves, flowers and fruits, combined with cumin seeds and sugar, are made into an electuary which is used in the treatment of gonorrhea. Root preparations are applied topically to treat mammary abscesses. All parts of the plant are used to treat infantile malnutrition caused by intestinal parasites.
11 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Herbs A decoction of the aerial parts of the plant are drunk as a treatment for cough. An infusion of the whole plant is taken as a remedy for fever and dysentery. A decoction is used as a wash for relieving headache. The sap of the plant is used as ear drops to treat otitis and headache[310. The plant is pulped and applied as a poultice on sores, burns and fractures, where it acts as a haemostatic and cicatrizant. The ash of the burnt plant, mixed with water, is rubbed on the body as a remedy for scabies and other skin ailments. The roots are used as an abortifacient. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The root is used as a plaster to treat caterpillar itch, around the neck for cough and on the belly for intestinal worms or shingles. The leaves, mashed with water, are a remedy for cholera. The stem and leaves are a mild laxative. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat. A decoction of the leaves is applied to snake bites. The juice from macerated leaves is applied to cuts and bruises as an anti-septic. Macerated leaves are applied to wounds to stop bleeding. The juice of the stem is used as an abortifacient. A decoction is taken as a diuretic and to increase menstrual discharge. The flowers as an expectorant.
12 Rubia cordifolia L. RUBIACEAE Herbs The roots are alterative, anodyne, antiphlogistic, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypotensive, styptic, tonic and vulnerary. They have an anti-bacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Pneumococci etc. The roots are used internally in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, internal and external haemorrhage, bronchitis, rheumatism, stones in the kidney, bladder and gall, dysentery etc. The stems are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a bitter taste and a cooling potency. Febrifuge, they are used in the treatment of blood disorders and spreading fever of kidneys and intestines. The leaves are anti-septic, astringent and vulnerary. They are used as a poison anti-dote and to treat mouth sores and intestinal problems such as Diarrhea. A wound dressing is made by rubbing the leaves between the hand palms into a ball, which is then applied to a wound or cut to stop bleeding. The leaves are burnt and the ashes are applied externally to treat mastitis and itchy skin.
13 Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Papaveraceae Herbs The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, depurative, emetic, emmenagogue, possibly hallucinogenic, sedative and vulnerary. It has been used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice or whooping cough. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma. The latex is slighly corrosive, diuretc. It has been taken internally in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The fresh yellow, milky, acrid sap contains protein-dissolving substances and has been used topically in the treatment of warts, cold sores, cutaneous affections, skin diseases, itches etc, and has been rubbed onto the body for the relief of rheumatic pain. The root is alterative and has been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The flowers are expectorant and narcotic. The seed is antidote, cathartic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant and laxative. An infusion, in small quantities, is used as a sedative for children, but caution is advised since the oil in the seed is strongly purgative. They are useful in the treatment of coughs and catarrhal affections of the throat and pulmonary mucous membrane, and in pertussis and asthma. Though they do not appear to possess any antispasmodic property, they have a distinct effect on asthma, apparently from their combined actions as nauseant, emetic, expectorant and demulcent. As their use is often accompanied by some degree of vomiting and nausea, as a laxative medicine they are more suited to some pulmonary affections than to other diseases. The seed has also been used as an antidote to snake poisoning.
14 Baccharoides anthelmintica (L.) Moench Asteraceae Herbs According to Ayurveda, seeds are hot, acrid, astringent, anthelmintic; cure ulcers, Vata and Kapha; use in skin disease, leucoderma, and fever. According to Unani system of medicine, the seeds are anthelmintic, purgative; used for asthma, kidney troubles, hiccough, inflammatory swellings, to remove blood from the liver, sores, and itching of the eyes. The seeds are anthelmintic, stomachic, tonic, diuretic and antiperiodic. The powdered seeds are applied externally in paralysis of the legs at Mundas of Chota Nagpur. The juice of the leaf is given to cure phlegmatic discharges of the nostrils. In Ceylon, the plant is used for fever convulsions.
15 Boerhavia chinensis (Linn.) Aschers & Schweinf. Nyctaginaceae Herbs The leaves are crushed and applied to the skin as a remedy for scabies and itching body parts.
16 Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels Menispermaceae Shrubs An aqueous extract of the leaves has shown diuretic and laxative properties. An infusion of the leaves is used to treat stomach-ache. A decoction is drunk to remedy female sterility. The leaf sap is used to treat nervous illnesses. The cooked leaves are eaten to treat night blindness. A jelly prepared by soaking leaves in cold water is taken to check spermatogenesis. Applied externally, the leaves are used to treat skin infections and itchy skin including eczema, rheumatism and gonorrhea. The roots are alterative, diuretic, laxative and tonic. A decoction is applied against fever, rheumatism and severe weight loss. The plants are reported to have anti-oxidant, cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, and hypotensive. It is used traditionally as alterative, laxative, demulcent, prurigo, eczema, dyspepsia tonic, diuretic, antiperiodic in fever, in malaria, joint pains and in skin diseases.
17 Plumbago zeylanica L. Plumbaginaceae Shrubs Skin diseases, Anti-cancer(Checker et al., 2010); Paste of root bark is applied for healing of wound. Powder of root is used in digestion. Roots are abortificient. Root is used to cure malaria. Used in treating intestinal troubles, dysentery, leucoderma, inflammation, piles, bronchitis, itching, diseases of the liver, and consumption. The leaves of this herb work well for treating laryngitis, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, ringworm, scabies, and it acts as an aphrodisiac. A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic.
18 Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae Shrubs Lantana essential oil is sometimes used for the treatment of skin itches, as an anti-septic for wounds, and externally for leprosy and scabies. It is applied as a poultice on rheumatic joints. The root is sweet and bitter tasting, refrigerant, antifebrile. A decoction is used to treat influenza, cough, mumps, incessant high fever, malaria, cervical lymph node tuberculosis, asthma, toothache, headache, inflammation, gonorrhea and Leucorrhoea. The flowers are sweet tasting, mildly cooling and haemostatic. A decoction of the dried flowers is used in the treatment of haemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis. The leaves are aromatic with a minty taste, they have a cooling nature, are antiphlogistic, anti-dermatosic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, pectoral, stimulant, tonic and vulnerary. An infusion of the leaves and flowering tops is used in the treatment of fevers, constipation, tuberculosis, catarrh and bronchitis.
19 Homonoia riparia Lour. Euphorbiaceae Shrubs A root decoction acts as an emetic. A decoction of the leaves is used against itches. The stems and leaves are applied as a purgative. The leaves were used to blacken teeth and to fix loose ones. The pounded leaves and sometimes fruits are applied as a poultice against skin diseases. A decoction of the leaves and fruits is similarly effective. Stem and leaves are used as a medicine to depurate the skin of diseases. An infusion of the wood is used against malaria and scabies.
20 Rhinacanthus communis Nees Acanthaceae Shrubs In India the fresh root and leaves, bruised and mixed with lime juice, are a useful remedy for ringworm and other skin affections. The seeds also are efficacious in ringworm. The root-bark is a remedy for dhobie’s itch. In Sind it is said to possess extraordinary aphrodisiacal powers, the roots boiled in milk being much employed by Hindu practitioners. The roots are believed n some parts of India to be an anti-dote to the bites of poisonous snakes. anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-proliferative; Root, leaves and seeds are useful in eczema;
21 Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The plant is used against swellings, fever, gastro-intestinal troubles and as an abortifacient. A decoction of the whole plant is employed to clean out the uterus; treat Diarrhea and heavy cramps; as a diuretic; and as a tonic to strengthen the back. The leaves and flowers are cholagogue. An infusion is used as an antidysenteric; decocted with salt or sugar in a preparation to dissolve renal calculi. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of thrush. In a plaster for wounds. Cooked in an infusion which is drunk to treat itches and skin diseases. The infusion of leaves is traditionally being used to cure the stomach pain of the children and also to cure cough and cold.
22 Carissa carandas APOCYNACEAE Shrubs The fruits are astringent, antiscorbutic and also used as a remedy for biliousness. A leaf decoction is used against fever, Diarrhea, and earache. The roots serve as a stomachic, vermifuge and remedy for itches.
23 Pavetta indica L. RUBIACEAE Shrubs A decoction of the leaves is drunk during the first days after childbirth as a protective medicine. It is also taken when the birth is delayed and as a treatment for fever. The leaves are used for poulticing boils. A cooled decoction of the leaves is applied as a wash to ulcers of the nose and topically to treat haemorrhoidal pains. The root is considered aperient, diuretic, purgative and tonic. It is prescribed in the treatment of intestinal obstructions, constipation, jaundice, headache, urinary diseases and dropsy. The crushed root bark, combined with rice water and ginger, is taken as a diuretic and for the treatment of dropsy. The root, root bark or stem bark can alsl be used as a treatment for intestinal obstructions. The roots are used for poulticing stubborn itch. A poultice of the stem bark is applied topically for soothing haemorrhoids. An infusion of the thinly cut wood is taken as a treatment for rheumatism. A study of the methanol extract of the plant has shown anti-inflammatory activity comparable to the standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin. This extract has also shown anti-pyretic activity. Flavonoids in the plant have demonstrated effective diuretic activity.
24 Sida cordifolia L. MALVACEAE Shrubs The plant is antipruritic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge and tonic. It is considered to be useful in the treatment of respiratory system related troubles. The whole plant is boiled, and the water used as an herbal bath, or for washing the skin to relieve itching and the irritation of chickenpox and measles spots. The juiced plant is used as a treatment for rheumatism and spermatorrhea. The leaves are analgesic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, nervine, stimulant and tonic. A decoction is drunk as a treatment for fevers. The leaves are pounded in water and the juice used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and gonorrhea. They are cooked and eaten as a treatment for bleeding piles. The fresh leaves are bruised and then applied as a poultice on boils in order to promote suppuration. They are used in the treatment of conjuctivitis. The stems are considered demulcent, emollient, febrifuge and diuretic. The bark is considered to be cooling. It is useful in the treatment of problems related to the blood, throat and urinary system; and is also used to treat conditions such as piles, phthisis, insanity etc. The root bark powder, combined with milk and sugar, is used in the treatment of frequent micturition and leukorrhea. The roots are considered to be astringent, cooling, stomachic and tonic. An infusion is used in the treatment of nervous and urinary diseases; and also for disorders of the blood and bile, asthma and as a heart tonic. Combined with ginger (Zingiber officinale), the root is used in the treatment of intermittent fevers with shivering fits. The juice of the roots is applied topically as a healing application for wounds.he seeds are considered aphrodisiac. They are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, cystitis, colds and tenesmus.
25 Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken Sapindaceae Tree The powdered seeds are applied to wounds and ulcers of cattle to remove maggots. The bark is used as an astringent and against skin inflammations, ulcers, itching, acne and other skin infections. It is generally used as an analgesic, antibiotic and against dysentery. Recently, it was reported that the bark along with water is used to treat menorrhea. antitumor; Anticancer;
26 Pongamia pinnata (L.)Pierre Fabaceae Tree The seed oil is given as a stomachic and cholagogue in the treatment of dyspepsia and cases of sluggish liver. It is used externally as a liniment for rubbing on skin diseases and rheumatic joints. It has been shown to be effective in enhancing the pigmentation of skin affected by leucoderma or scabies. The powdered seed is given as an expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough, and is also prescribed as a febrifuge and tonic. A paste made from the powdered seed is spread on sores and rheumatic joints. An infusion of the leaves is used to relieve rheumatism. A decoction is used as a cough remedy. The leaves are crushed and applied as a poultice for the treatment of parasitic skin diseases and to relieve bleeding haemorrhoids. The expressed juice is used on herpes and itches. The flowers are claimed to have anti-diabetic action. The fresh stem bark is astringent and is taken internally to relieve bleeding haemorrhoids. It is also applied to reduce the enlargement of the spleen. The root bark contains a bitter alkaloid and is used as an abortifacient. The anti-septic root juice is put on sores and ulcers and used to clean teeth. Plant is used for anti-infl ammatory, anti-plasmodial, anti-nonciceptive, anti-hyperglycaemics, anti-lipidoxidative, anti-Diarrheal, anti-ulcer, anti-hyperammonic and anti-oxidant.
27 Melia azedarach Linn. MELIACEAE Tree The leaf juice is anthelmintic, antilithic, diuretic and emmenagogue. A decoction is astringent and stomachic. A decoction is used to treat Diarrhea. The leaves are used externally to treat skin conditions such as scabies and itch. A decoction is used as a gargle to treat tooth problems and strengthen the gums. The leaves are harvested during the growing season and can be used fresh or dried. The flowers and leaves are applied as a poultice in the treatment of neuralgia and nervous headache. The stem bark is anthelmintic, astringent and bitter tonic. The root bark is emetic, emmenagogue, purgative and vermifuge. It is highly effective against ringworm and other parasitic skin diseases.
28 Mesua ferrea L. CALOPHYLLACEAE Tree A mixture of pounded kernels and seed oil is used for poulticing wounds. The seed-oil is used for treating itch, scabies and other skin eruptions, dandruff and rheumatism. The fruit is alterative and stimulant. A paste of the fruit is applied to boils. The flowers are astringent and stomachic. A paste made from the flowers is used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery. A decoction of the flowers is drunk by women after childbirth. It is used as a haemostatic, antidysenteric and antiDiarrheal. The leaves are applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds. Oil from the seeds is used for sores, scabies, wounds, and rheumatism. The root of this herb is often used as an anti-dote for snake poison. The dried flowers are used for bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus. Fresh flowers are also prescribed for excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough, and for indigestion.
29 Acacia ferruginea DC. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree A bark decoction, in conjunction with ginger is frequently used as an astringent for the teeth. The bark of all Acacia species contains greater or lesser quantities of tannins and are astringent. Astringents are often used medicinally - taken internally, for example. they are used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery, and can also be helpful in cases of internal bleeding. Applied externally, often as a wash, they are used to treat wounds and other skin problems, haemorrhoids, perspiring feet, some eye problems, as a mouth wash etc. This is sometimes taken internally in the treatment of Diarrhea and haemorrhoids. used for treating various skin infections, itching, leucoderma, ulcers, inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth and throat. The plant is also credited for treatment of helminthiasis. dysentery, piles and diabetes.