Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 1     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 0     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 2     TREES : 3

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. Fabaceae Climbers The seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac. The leaves are demulcent and mucilaginous.
2 Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Tiliaceae Shrubs A decoction of the root is used as a remedy for internal ulcerations. The leaves are antihypertensive, astringent, diuretic, mucilaginous and emollient. A decoction of the plant in rice water, or of the root and bark, is used to treat Diarrhea, dysentery, internal haemorrhages and gonorrhea. The leaves and flowers are used as a treatment against leprosy. Patients with severe colds are treated by giving them a daily sauna with the boiling leaves. The fruit and pounded roots are believed to promote childbirth. The crushed flowers may be applied as a poultice on boils. The plant is used in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhoe, ulcer and leprosy.
3 Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven Onagraceae Shrubs The plant is carminative, laxative and vermifuge. It is used in the treatment of Diarrhea, dysentery, nervous diseases. It is considered to have analgesic properties and, together with other herbs, is used as a treatment for rheumatic pains. The mucilaginous leaves are used as a poultice to treat a variety of complaints, including headaches, orchitis and swollen glands in the neck. The plant is sometimes used as a treatment against ulcerations of the nose.
4 Kydia calycina Roxb. Malvaceae Tree Plant—mucilaginous, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge. Leaf and root—antirheumatic. The leaves stimulate saliva. A paste of leaves is applied in body pains, used in poultices for skin diseases. anti-oxidant and Anti-bacterial Body swellings, body pain, boils, diabetis, febrifuge, increases saliva, inflamation, rheumatism, Analgesic; leaf and stem bark paste applied for ulcers and skin diseases;
5 Careya arborea Roxb. Lecythidaceae Tree Cough, Dental Problems, The bark of the tree and the sepals of the flowers are well-known Indian remedies, and are valued on account of their astringent and mucilaginous properties, being administered internally in coughs and colds and applied externally as an embrocation. Traditionally used in the treatment of tumours, bronchitis, skin disease, epileptic fits, astringents, anti-dote to snake-venom, abscesses, boil and ulcer. Fruits are used as decoction to promote digestion. Leaves and flowers are used in the form of paste to cure several skin diseases. It is also used as remedy for Diarrhea, dysentery with bloody stools and ear pain. Leaf paste and pulp used as poultice rapidly heals ulcers and root is used for the treatment of tuberculosis and skeletal fractures. cytotoxic activity, antitumor effect, N-nitrosodiethylamine induced hepatocarcinogenesis, CNS depressant, anticoagulant and anti-oxidant activity
6 Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. Ulmaceae Tree The bark and leaves are used for treating oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles and sprue. A poultice of the bark and leaves is applied topically to treat boils, swellings and rheumatic pains. The bark is used externally as a treatment for rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, ulcers and scorpion stings. The mucilaginous bark is boiled then the juice is squeezed out and applied to rheumatic swellings; the exhausted bark is then powdered and applied over the parts covered by the sticky juice. The seed and a paste of the stem bark is used in treating ringworm. anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, antiDiarrheal, adaptogenic, anti-cancer, wound healing, Hepatoprotective, larvicidal, antiemetic, CNS depressant, and hypolipidemic activities.