Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 2     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 9     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 5     TREES : 6

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd. Cucurbitaceae Climbers Applied in bleeding piles and urinary complaints. The root paste is applied over the body as a sedative in fever.
2 Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy Convolvulaceae Climbers Sedative, Anti-convulsant, Anti-carcinogenic and oxytoxic. Medicinal (Roots have laxative effects and are boiled and used to provoke menstruation, and are traditionally a treatment for skin diseases. Milky sap of plant has been traditionally used to treat Leucoderma and other related skin diseases (only external applications have been recommended due to the plant's poisonous nature). Plant has depressant effect on central nervous system and also shows muscle relaxant properties. )
3 Portulaca quadrifida L. Portulacaceae Herbs Diuretic, to treat Rheumatism and gynaecological diseases, as a sedative, analgesic and cardiotonic, to treat fever, disorders of the urinary tract, worm diseases, as a tonic and choleretic, to treat dysentery, and to apply externally to ulcers, eczema and dermatitis
4 Sonchus oleraceus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is used medicinally to treat Diarrhea, menstrual problems, fever, inflammation and warts. As abortifacient as a cathartic, a sedative, cancer treatment, a vermisides aid for toothache. Plant is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indegestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax. enteritis, Diarrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis, appendicitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, icterus, throat swelling, haematemesis and uraemia
5 Nicandra physaloides (L.) Scop. Solanaceae Herbs Diuretic, sedative, cough, amoebiasis, anti-pyretic, constipation, laxative, analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, toothache; Leaf juice given in amoebic dysentery (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
6 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Verbenaceae Herbs used traditionally by the elderly as a cure for allergies and respiratory conditions, cough, cold, fever, constipation, digestive complications, and dysentery and promotes menstruation; also known to demonstrate antacid, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antihelminthic, diuretic, laxative, lactagogue, purgative, sedative, spasmogenic, vasodilator, vulnerary, and vermifuge properties
7 Nepeta hindostana (Roth) Haines Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs The plant is known for uses such as cardiac, brain, and gastric tonic. It is a blood purifier and relieves high blood pressure. It has anti-asthmatic, anti-catarrhal, and sedative properties. It is used to treat fever, body ache, diarrheoa, dysentery, as a carminative and antispasmodic agent, as a gargle for sore throat and bad breath, also to treat gonorrhea. The plant also has hypocholesterolaemic and central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects.
8 Allmania nodiflora (L.) R. Br. ex Wight Amaranthaceae Herbs folk medicine to treat constipation, decentry and febrifuge contains adequate amount of nutrients. The reported activities are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant activity, sedative and anxiolytic, anti-helminthic, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer activity; anti-inflammatory, -anti-cancer;
9 Euphorbia thymifolia L. Euphorbiaceae Herbs The leaves, seeds and fresh juice of whole plant are used in worm infections, as stimulant, astringent. its actions involving laxative, aromatic, sedative, blood purification, anti-viral, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, diuretic properties;
10 Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Papaveraceae Herbs The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, depurative, emetic, emmenagogue, possibly hallucinogenic, sedative and vulnerary. It has been used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice or whooping cough. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma. The latex is slighly corrosive, diuretc. It has been taken internally in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The fresh yellow, milky, acrid sap contains protein-dissolving substances and has been used topically in the treatment of warts, cold sores, cutaneous affections, skin diseases, itches etc, and has been rubbed onto the body for the relief of rheumatic pain. The root is alterative and has been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The flowers are expectorant and narcotic. The seed is antidote, cathartic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant and laxative. An infusion, in small quantities, is used as a sedative for children, but caution is advised since the oil in the seed is strongly purgative. They are useful in the treatment of coughs and catarrhal affections of the throat and pulmonary mucous membrane, and in pertussis and asthma. Though they do not appear to possess any antispasmodic property, they have a distinct effect on asthma, apparently from their combined actions as nauseant, emetic, expectorant and demulcent. As their use is often accompanied by some degree of vomiting and nausea, as a laxative medicine they are more suited to some pulmonary affections than to other diseases. The seed has also been used as an antidote to snake poisoning.
11 Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Rubiaceae Herbs The plant is alterative, analgesic, antibacterial, antidote, antiinflammatory, antitumor, diuretic, febrifuge and sedative. A decoction of the plant is used in the treatment of biliousness, impure blood, jaundice, hepatitis, fever, malignant tumours and gonorrhoua. It is used to treat any kind of internal inlammation such as inflammation such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, and appendicitis. A poultice of plant material is applied to external bruises or blood congestions, boils, and abscesses. Topical uses for this species are common and could be related to the presence of antiinflammatory iridoids.
12 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Shrubs Snake bite, Urinal diseases, Anti-cancer (leaf): Kaladhar et al., 2014; The juice of the leaves is demulcent and diuretic. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. A paste made of the leaves or seeds is applied to wounds, boils and ulcers. The seeds are laxative and are useful in cases of haemorrhoids and cough. An infusion of the root is used as a treatment for leprosy. It is taken internally as a cooling remedy for coughs and fevers. A decoction of the flowers is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. anti-inflammatory; Anti-proliferative activity; Anti-Arthritic activity; Analgesic; Sedative property; Antioxidant; Antimicrobial activity; Hepatoprotective activity; Anti diabetic; Anti cancer; Anti Diarrheal; Anti-convulsant; Larvicidal; Wound healing; Anti asthmatic; Diuretic; Immunomodulatory; Anti-estrogenic activity;
13 Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. Fabaceae Shrubs A decoction of the leaves is used against stones in the gall bladder, kidneys or bladder. The leaves are applied as a poultice to the head as a treatment for headache. The roots are considered to be alterative, astringent, bitter tonic, diuretic, expectorant and febrifuge. A decoction of the root is employed to treat kidney problems, oedema, swellings, chronic fever, coughs, biliousness, Diarrhea and dysentery; or as a sedative for children. The roots are applied to the gums as a treatment for toothache. A decoction is used externally to clean wounds and ulcers. The whole plant is considered to be anthelmintic. anti-oxidant, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, nootropic, anti-leshmanial, immunomodulatory activity;
14 Vitex negundo L. Verbenaceae Shrubs Rheumatism, Skin diseases, important treatment for chronic bronchitis; The aromatic leaves are astringent, febrifuge, sedative, tonic and vermifuge. They are useful in dispersing swellings of the joints from acute rheumatism, and of the testes from suppressed gonorrhea. The juice of the leaves is used for removing foetid discharges and worms from ulcers, whilst an oil prepared with the leaf juice is applied to sinuses and scrofulous sores. The leaves are stuffed into pillows, which are then used to relieve headache. The dried fruit is vermifuge. The fruit is also used in the treatment of angina, colds, coughs, rheumatic difficulties etc. The fresh berries are pounded to a pulp and used in the form of a tincture for the relief of paralysis, pains in the limbs, weakness etc. The root is expectorant, febrifuge and tonic. It is used in the treatment of colds and rheumatic ailments.
15 Securinega virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Baill. Phyllanthaceae Shrubs sedative in children and in mental illnesses. Analgesic, anti-diabetics, Anti-daote. The roots and fruits are believed to be an effective snake bite remedy. Roots are used as contraceptives and for the treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, rheumatism, sterility, rashes, and an infusion of the root is taken to relieve malaria. The bark is believed to provide a treatment for Diarrhea and pneumonia.
16 Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Solanaceae Shrubs asthma, bronchitis, inflammatory diseases, ulcer and stomach problems; sedative, polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbago, painful swellings, spermatorrhoea, leucoderma, general debility, sexual debility, amnesia, ulcers, leucorrhoea; general tonic;
17 Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston Bixaceae Tree ANTI-CARCINOGENIC; Ladies urinal problems; The gum extracted from bark is used in the treatment of - Cough, Sedative and Cooling effect. It is used in the treatment of coughs and gonorrhea. The dried leaves and flowers are stimulant.
18 Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rahamnaceae Tree Fruit aids weight gain, improves muscular strength and increases stamina. They are anodyne, anti-cancer, anti-dote, expectorant, pectoral, refrigerant, sedative, stomachic, styptic and tonic. They are considered to purify the blood and aid digestion, and are used internally in the treatment of a range of conditions including chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, Diarrhea, pharyngitis, bronchitis, anaemia, irritability and hysteria. A mucilage made from the fruit is used to make bronchial pastilles. It is hypnotic, narcotic, sedative, stomachic and tonic, and is used internally in the treatment of palpitations, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, night sweats and excessive perspiration. The root is used in the treatment of dyspepsia. A decoction of the root has been used in the treatment of fevers. The root is made into a powder and applied to old wounds and ulcers. The leaves are astringent and febrifuge. They are said to promote the growth of hair. They are used to form a plaster in the treatment of strangury. The plant is a folk remedy for anaemia, hypertonia, nephritis and nervous diseases.
19 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. Combretaceae Tree Heart tonic; Fruit powder with sugar is given to increase eye sight. Fruits cover is chewed to get relief from cough. Powder of fruit equally mixed with Ashwagandha churn given with warm water in heart trouble. Leaf powder along with powder of Datura leaf used in smoking to get relief from Asthma. Fruit is useful in urinary diseases and keeping mind cool. Excess consumption of seeds is sedative. The bark is a cardiac tonic, lowers blood pressure and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Arjuna is a herb where modern research has fully supported its traditional use for treating heart disease. The bark is taken internally to treat a range of heart conditions and seems to work best when blood supply to the heart is poor, as in angina and ischaemic heart disease. It is also of value in helping to maintain a steady heart beat.
20 Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay Rubiaceae Tree The rind and fruit have useful emetic, diaphoretic and antispasmodic properties. The fruit is useful in cases of acute bronchitis and asthma. The fruit is applied externally in fever. The bark is a sedative and nervine carminative. It is given internally and externally in the treatment of fevers. An infusion of the bark root is used as an emetic. The bark is used internally and externally as an anodyne in the treatment of rheumatism and to relieve the pain of bruises and bone aches during fevers. It also acts as an astringent and is useful in treating Diarrhea and dysentery. Stem bark made into a paste and mixed with goat's milk and country liquour. This is prescribed in rheumatism once daily on an empty stomach. Fruits: cure abscess ulcers, inflammations tumours, skin diseases, pain in muscles, piles, chronic bronchitis, paralysis, leprosy, boils and eruption, brain diseases, asthma, leucoderma and rheumatism. Pulp of fruit bark: bone ache during fever.
21 Morus alba MORACEAE Tree The leaves are anti-bacterial, astringent, diaphoretic, hypoglycaemic, odontalgic and ophthalmic. They are taken internally in the treatment of colds, influenza, eye infections and nosebleeds. An injected extract of the leaves can be used in the treatment of elephantiasis and purulent fistulae. The leaves are collected after the first frosts of autumn and can be used fresh but are generally dried. The stems are antirheumatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, hypotensive and pectoral. They are used in the treatment of rheumatic pains and spasms, especially of the upper half of the body, high blood pressure. A tincture of the bark is used to relieve toothache. The branches are harvested in late spring or early summer and are dried for later use. The fruit has a tonic effect on kidney energy. It is used in the treatment of urinary incontinence, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia due to anaemia, neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes, premature greying of the hair and constipation in the elderly. The root bark is antiasthmatic, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, hypotensive and sedative. It is used internally in the treatment of asthma, coughs, bronchitis, oedema, hypertension and diabetes. The roots are harvested in the winter and dried for later use. The bark is anthelmintic and purgative, it is used to expel tape worms. anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-microbic, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor, anti-cancer;
22 Prunus persica (L.) Stokes ROSACEAE Tree The leaves are astringent, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, parasiticide and mildly sedative. They are used internally in the treatment of gastritis, whooping cough, coughs and bronchitis. They also help to relieve vomiting and morning sickness during pregnancy, though the dose must be carefully monitored because of their diuretic action. The dried and powdered leaves have sometimes been used to help heal sores and wounds. The leaves are harvested in June and July then dried for later use. The flowers are diuretic, sedative and vermifuge. They are used internally in the treatment of constipation and oedema. A gum from the stems is alterative, astringent, demulcent and sedative. The seed is antiasthmatic, antitussive, emollient, haemolytic, laxative and sedative. It is used internally in the treatment of constipation in the elderly, coughs, asthma and menstrual disorders. The bark is demulcent, diuretic, expectorant and sedative. It is used internally in the treatment of gastritis, whooping cough, coughs and bronchitis. The root bark is used in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The bark is harvested from young trees in the spring and is dried for later use.