Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   

   MH018 : Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke

Plant Category : Herbs

Melghat's Flora's Serial No. : 36

Synonym : Malva coromandeliana L.; Malva tricuspidata R. Br., 1812, nom. superf. & illeg.; Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. Gray.; Malveopsis coromandeliana (L.) Morong.;

Plant Common Name : False Mallow, Broom weed, Clock plant, Prickly malvastrum, Kharenti, Chandiri

Plant Family : Malvaceae

Description : Annual herbs or undershrubs, erect or decumbent, about 0.3-1 m tall. Stem, branches, petioles and pedicels, pubescent with 4 armed appressed stellate hairs, where 2 arms are pointing downwards and other two are pointed upwards, about 1-3 mm long. Leaves alternate, often unlobed, rarely trilobed, lanceolate-ovate to oblong, about 1.5-7 x 0.5-3.8 cm across, base obtuse to acute, margins coarsely crenate-serrate, apex acute, pubescent with simple appressed hairs above and appressed hairy beneath except on the veins beneath where they are 4 armed stellate hairs, petiole pubescent with 4 armed stellate hairs, about 0.5-4 cm long, stipules linear lanceolate-subfalcate, filiform, margins entire or faintly serrate, apex acuminate, persistent, about 3-6 x 0.5-1 mm across. Inflorescence axillary, solitary or terminal 2-4 flowered clusters. Flowers bisexual, pedicel pubescent with 4 armed hairs, about 2-6 mm long, accrescent up to 10 mm long, bracts absent, epicalyx segments linear lanceolate, glabrous inside, and sparse 4 armed stellate hairs outside, about 4-7 x 0.7-1 mm across, calyx 5 lobed, campanulate, slightly accrescent, lobes deltoid-ovate, apex acuminate, pubescent with 4 armed stellate hairs along margins inside and outside, persistent, about 5-10 x 3-5 mm across, corolla yellow, about 1-1.5 cm across, petals obliquely obovate, base ciliate, apex shallow emarginated. Staminal column, base conical, apex tubular, glabrous, about 2.5 mm long, anthers basifixed, in the upper half. Ovary 10-14 carpellate. Fruit indehiscent, schizocarp in persistent calyx, about 5-8 mm across, mericarps 10-14, reniform, curved strongly, apex obtuse, with sharp edges and covered with erect patent simple hairs and minute stellate hairs, Seed reniform, about 1-1.5 mm across, glabrous, brownish black.

Plant Location in Melghat : In stream and river bets

Medicinal Use / Activity : Ringworm infection, Jaundice, Diabetes, anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antidysenteric

Plant's Phytochemicals : COMPOUNDS: -


Plant's Current Status : -

Plant's Cross Database Reference : 259142

Reference : Dhore M. A. (1984) The flora of melghat tiger reserve -

Reference : ~ Dhore MA and Joshi PA; "Flora of Melghat Tiger Reserve"; Directorate, Project Tiger, Melghat (1988); PMID :

Kingdom : Plantae - Plants
Phylum : Tracheophyta
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class : Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Subclass : Dilleniidae
Order : Malvales
Family : Malvaceae - Mallow family
Genus : Malvastrum A. Gray - false mallow
Species : Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke - threelobe false mallow

Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke - threelobe false mallow