Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   

   MS041 : Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li

Plant Category : Shrubs

Melghat's Flora's Serial No. : 143

Synonym : Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton.; Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.)Wight.; Flemingia fruticulosa Benth.; Flemingia strobilifera var. bracteata (Roxb.)Baker.; Flemingia strobilifera var. fruticulosa (Benth.)Baker.; Hedysarum bracteatum Roxb.; Hedysarum strobiliferum L.; Moghania fruticulosa (Benth.)Mukerjee.; Moghania strobilifera (L.)J.St.-Hil.; Zornia strobilifera (L.)Pers.;

Plant Common Name : Wild Hops, luck plant • Assamese: makhiyati • Gujarati: poptyo • Hindi: kanphuta • Kannada: kumalu, nari baalada honne • Malayalam: kanalam, kumaanchedi, kumalu, ponthorila, theri • Marathi: bundar, kanphuti, klipti • Nepali: bhatmase, bhatwasi • Telugu: nalla baddu

Plant Family : Fabaceae

Description : Erect undershrub or shrub, branches densely pubescent. Leaf unifoliolate, 7.5-15 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm broad, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, glabrous to subglabrous above, pubescent, especially on the nerves below, obscurely gland dotted; petiole 3-18 mm long; stipules 1.2-2.5 cm long. Inflorescence axillary and terminal branched racemes; flowers in clusters hidden by distichously arranged bracts. Bracts 1.2-2.5 cm long, reniform, broader than long, slightly emarginate, hirsute; stalked with linear subulate stipules. Calyx 4-5 mm long, pubescent, teeth exceeding the tube. Corolla white streaked with pink, rosy or purple, 6-7 mm long. Fruit 7.0-12.5 cm long, pubescent, 2-seeded. Fl.Per.: October.

Plant Location in Melghat : Chourakund,Rangubeli areas along stream banks

Medicinal Use / Activity : A decoction or infusion of the leaves and the flowers is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. A decoction of the leaves is given as a bath after childbirth and is also used as a treatment for rheumatish. The leaves are used both externally and internally as a vermifuge for children. One seed a month is chewed by women as a contraceptive. The root is used in the treatment of indigestion, fevers epilepsy and hysteria, to induce sleep and to relieve pain. If a sufficient dose is taken, the roots can induce a heavy sleep even if the person is experiencing great pain. There are no ill effects. The fresh roots are crushed in water in a mortar and pestle - the liquid is taken twice daily for 7 days as a treatment for Diarrhea and dysentery. A paste made from the root is applied topically to treat swellings

Plant's Phytochemicals : COMPOUNDS: leptosidin glucoside; leptosin; phloridizin; naringin; chalcones; n-triacontane; beta-sitosterol; Quercitrin; rutin; quercimeritrin; Flemingiaflavanone; Genistin; phloridzin; Flemingin X; Flemingin Y; Flemingin Z; Flemiculosin; Lignoceryl lignocerate;






Plant's Current Status : -

Plant's Cross Database Reference : 259142

Reference : Dhore M. A. (1984) The flora of melghat tiger reserve - - - - - - -

Reference : ~ Dhore MA and Joshi PA; "Flora of Melghat Tiger Reserve"; Directorate, Project Tiger, Melghat (1988); PMID :

Kingdom : Plantae - Plants
Phylum : Tracheophyta
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class : Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Subclass : Rosidae
Order : Fabales
Family : Fabaceae / Leguminosae - Pea family
Genus : Moghania
Species : Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li

Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li
Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li